100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1545 You are the glory (15)


A month has passed since the exhibition match.

Yu Chu also led the team to participate in a small competition and won unexpectedly.

She gave the boys a little vacation.

I am going to attend the open day of HG.

There will be some events in the hg building.

For example, on the open day, there are ten quotas, and fans who have grabbed the quota can enter the building to visit.

But it's just a visit, usually led by the staff, and no official members can be seen.

If you're lucky, you might just run into one or two members and take a group photo or something.

Because there were only ten places, Yu Chu handed over the matter to the system without thinking.

Like this kind of innocuous, trivial matter that has nothing to do with Heaven, the system can still successfully complete it.

Tickets were successfully grabbed.

The visit was for a whole day. Yu Chu went out early in the morning and came to gather under the hg building.

The lucky fans who grabbed the spot gathered together, all of them were very excited. To be able to draw ten out of millions of fans and get the opportunity to visit the hg headquarters building, how can you not be excited as a fan?

If you are lucky, you can still meet the official team members!

The leader walked over with a smile, shook hands with them one by one, and led them into the building.

The team logo of hg is on the wall of the central hall, and the trophies obtained are placed in the showcase. The golden light is very bright, which symbolizes the supreme glory of the e-sports circle.

On the wall on the other side of the hall, there are photos and introductions of active players.

Fans immediately rushed to take pictures.

Yu Chu was stunned for a moment, then remembered that he was also a fan, so he hurried over with his mobile phone.

Of course she wants to shoot the cutie.

The photo of Jiang Chen is of a side face, leaning on the gaming chair with a dull expression, in front of the camera is a camera dedicated to the game, and the color of the headphones in the broken room is also silver.

Such a picture of a standard e-sports player, coupled with his silver-white team uniform and fair and beautiful face, looks like a great impact on his beauty.

The other nine fans also kept taking pictures of him, and from time to time they whispered excitedly and discussed.

Yu Chu took a picture and retracted the phone.

The leader continued to lead them, first went to see the youth training team, and then walked to the upper floor.

The visit will not go to the top lounge.

So fans didn't expect to actually see HG.

But they were very lucky. When they took the elevator to the middle-level exhibition hall, the five people from hg were coming out of the exhibition hall and preparing to go back to the top floor.

The fans suddenly exclaimed a little.

Five people have reached the other elevator.

Seeing the fans, the four stopped to say hello.

There was only one person left, still walking towards the elevator with his eyes down, his face unchanged, his team uniform dazzling silver and white.

The remaining four greeted him with a smile, and were about to follow him into the elevator.

Jiang Shenman glanced at it inadvertently...

Totoro didn't stop for a while and almost bumped into the slender back of the young man. He was so frightened that he jumped back quickly and asked, "What's wrong with you, brother?"

It's been a month since the exhibition match...

Jiang Shen is too abnormal!

——He is often distracted, and his mood is uncertain. One second his expression is calm, the next second he is calm and silent, and he has no idea what he is thinking. Anyway, this temper is even more terrible than before...

Along the line of sight of the boy, I saw ten excited fans not far away... visiting fans.

The team members also felt strange, "What's wrong? That's the fans who grabbed a place to visit on the open day."

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