100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1551 You are the glory (21)


Yu Chu touched his head and left with the guide. She felt that the love process could be sped up a bit.

HG felt a little weird about their teammates.

In the previous month, my temper was cloudy and sunny, and I was often inexplicably low, and the cold air made me breathless.

But after just half a day, the guy was calm and relaxed.

No longer start killing mode as soon as you log in, and sometimes even give teammates advice.

This mood change... It's really confusing! No sign at all!

The scariest thing is!

He will actually take the initiative to take over the live broadcast mission!

- Incredible!

But no matter how shocked the other four teammates were, Jiang Chen's mood was not affected by this.

At this time, he was playing the game, and he tapped the keyboard a few times with his long snow-white finger, and glanced at the friend list.

That portrait is dark.

It's the only friend on another account, the one who is online.

Jiang Shen didn't care.

[The leader of the e-sports world] mistakenly thought he was a girl, and Jiang Chen was too lazy to explain. This person's operation is really good, and sometimes Jiang Chen will have new insights when playing against him, so thinking about it, he didn't block him.

Occasionally invited to play single game.

The other party would always tease him with a smile, and Jiang Chen was too lazy to deal with it.

Ignoring the other party's neurotic personality, this person's operation and consciousness are very good.

Moreover, in fact, there is another very important reason for not blocking the other party...

That was after the last open house.

[The leader of the e-sports world] invited him to start the game again. Jiang Shen happened to be fine at the time, so he casually agreed to the invitation.

As a result, the other party was typing frantically.

[The leader of the e-sports world]: Ah, I tell you! I met my idol last week! My idol has long legs, and is good to me! I doubt he likes me!

Yu Chu thought that the young man would at least ask who your idol is, but she underestimated his indifference to strangers, who didn't even reply to her.

Yu Chu was not discouraged at all.

[The leader of the e-sports industry]: Can you tell which fans your idol likes or not?

Jiang Chen's fingertips paused.

He didn't pay attention to what the other party said at all, but after seeing this sentence, the young man's delicate eyebrows slightly frowned, and he subconsciously glanced at the content above.

He noticed that [the leader of the e-sports world] called his idol and used "he" next to the single person.

The boy finally answered.

[Shen s]: Are you a man?

[The leader of the e-sports world]: Yes, pure man.

[The leader of the e-sports world]: By the way, girl, your name is similar to the number of Jiangshen's live studio. Are you a fan of Jiangshen? Why are the girls all Jiangshen fans!

Jiang Chen used a fixed number for the live broadcast, and this is just a basic trumpet, but he was not in the mood to name it, so he chose a similar name at will.

[Shen s]: Hmm.

He didn't mean to explain much.

Although Jiang Chen felt that the other party was a man, and the idol was also a man, it was a bit weird to use the word "like"... but he was concerned about another thing.

[Shen s]: Do you think you can tell?

[The leader of the e-sports industry]: I think I can! When my idols look at me, there are little stars in their eyes!

Jiang Chen: "..." God damn little Xingxing.

He felt that this person was very unreliable again, so he simply stopped talking.

But because of this incident, it was inexplicably pleasing to the eye of this person, and he agreed to the friend request.

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