100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1552 You are the glory (22)


From then on, the two would occasionally play single-player games together, but Jiang Chen didn't speak, and the other side teased him.

Because of what the other party said that day, the young man was a little more tolerant towards him. He was called a girl every day and flirted with all kinds of things, and he lightly pretended that he didn't see it.

At this time, seeing the name lit up again, Jiang Chen's fingertips paused slightly and clicked on the avatar.

[Shen s]: Does it match?

[The leader of the e-sports world]: Damn, it's not easy for you to take the initiative to find me, girl. Could it be that you were moved by my persevering pursuit?

Jiang Chen had a slight headache, but finally endured it.

[Shen s]: I want to ask you.

[The leader of the e-sports industry]: Huh?

[Shen S]: Last time you said that your idol looked at you, there was something in your eyes... how did you tell it?

He asked with a headache.

It's crazy to ask such a strange question.

Inexplicably want to get a little experience from this person and his idol. Although he and his idol are both male.

But Jiang Chen really didn't know who to ask.

On the other side, Yu Chu was also stunned.

Could it be that the little cutie has a little feeling for her, but the feeling is not obvious? She decided to get a good education.

[The leader of the e-sports world]: Are you also a god? Think of your favorite powder and look at your eyes in the mirror? Look for little stars!

Jiang Chen: "..."

He felt extremely unreliable, how could there be stars in his eyes... This abstract metaphor...

But on the other side, his eyes smoothed over the dark head portrait, and then glanced at the standing mirror.

Jiang Chen: "..."

[The leader of the e-sports world]: How is it, girl, have you seen the little star?

[Shen s]: No.

He then quit the game.

Yu Chu: ? ? ? Why suddenly?

She thought about it for a while, and felt a little bitterly that it might be that Little Cutie didn't feel enough about herself.

It seems that we need to create more opportunities to meet or something.

In the hg headquarters building, the teenager sat silently on the gaming chair, staring at the screen with a heavy gaze.

There was no expression on his face, the outline of the boy was vaguely reflected on the screen, the delicate profile lines, and the earrings were pure black, revealing a sinister coldness.

He suddenly lowered his head slightly, and pressed his long snow-white fingers against his forehead, silently looking at the keyboard in front of him.

After a while, he put his arms down again, rubbed the center of his fair eyebrows with his long fingers, and suddenly stood up with a calm expression, and walked away with his long legs.

Totoro noticed the movement of him pulling away the gaming chair, scratched his head, and asked casually, "God Jiang?"

Originally just a casual call, the man turned to look at him, a pair of dark and beautiful pupils, cold as a frozen lake, revealing the ultimate coldness.

Totoro jumped back in fright.

Fortunately, the other party glanced at him, then looked away and walked away, and the slender silver figure disappeared.

Totoro patted his heart and murmured, "God. This time, my temper doesn't seem to be too big..."

Why isn't the Great God in a good mood?

It has been a long time since the last Open Day.

And the person who was in a bad mood in his eyes went to the bathroom silently, paused, and silently looked at the mirror again.

Not in a bad mood.

But a little helpless...

He stared silently at the mirror, remembering the girl.

——Like what I just saw in the standing mirror.

In the mirror, the pure black earrings on the boy's ears flickered slightly, but his fair cheeks were slightly crimson.

He stared silently for a few seconds.

Um. Chase it.

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