100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1553 You are the glory (23)


Yu Chu walked downstairs. Several boys from Zhiwei team were surrounding a computer. Seeing her coming downstairs, they waved to her excitedly, "Boss! Jiang Shen is live streaming!"

Yu Chu was stunned for a moment and walked over to look.

The boys discussed in a low voice: "Jiang Shen has broadcast live three times this month, since the last time he brought fans..."

"Yeah, but I haven't brought any fans since then."

"I only turned on the wheat once..."

"Oops! It would be nice to have a live broadcast!"

"I really want to know which fan it is... Actually let Jiang Shen bring fans, and also open wheat..."

The boys murmured, Yu Chu stood aside, staring at the computer screen nonchalantly.

In the live broadcast room, there was another wave of gifts.

Then, there was a clear noise, it seems that the anchor turned on the microphone and put on the headphones.

The boys were stunned: "No way, Kai Mai?"

The comment also screamed and asked if the microphone was open. In the flying barrage, a cool and pleasant voice came faintly, and said without emotion: "Live broadcast today."

It's really working!

Fans screamed and swiped gifts, and asked Jiang Shen to say a few more words as a benefit for voice control.

But the man didn't speak again.

Yu Chu has broadcast live with him, so he knows that this person's live broadcast...will turn off comments.

He couldn't see the barrage that popped up.

The boys looked at the game interface attentively, and Yu Chu also focused on the operation.

At the end of the battle, after [Shen sss] crossed the tower and killed a person, while going to fight the dragon, he suddenly said in the live broadcast: "By the way, there is something."

Fans were stunned.

Ah, ah, what is Jiang Shen going to say to them?

In the silence of waiting, only that person's voice was lazy and low: "I signed a fan for five, and she sent a friend to clarify."

Yu Chu was taken aback.

The five boys of Zhiwei team were also stunned.

In the live broadcast, HG Jiangshen's voice came, showing the characteristics of indifference, but it was a bit sultry for no reason.

"I signed it myself."

The five boys looked at Yu Chu in unison.

Yu Chu didn't expect that people would clarify this matter directly in the live broadcast, saying that it was signed by me...

She ignored the shocked expressions on the boys' faces, passed them, and glanced at the barrage.

Sure enough, it exploded again.

After all, Jiang Chen had never signed his name.

This time, the one signing is the same five approvals, and because the fan was misunderstood, the dignified Jiang Shen actually clarified for the other party in the live broadcast!

The fans turned sour one by one into lemon essence, and envied the unknown fan.

Yu Chu kept his face calm and glanced at the boys who were petrified, "Do you believe it now?"

A few people stayed for a while, and they all shouted to find the signature - it was actually written by Jiang Shen!

The signature of the dignified e-sports myth!

Seeing their crazy looks, Yu Chu couldn't help but smile slightly before continuing to stare at the screen.

Little cute is so attentive to her casual words, she must have feelings for her.

And he also asked for advice from [the leader of the e-sports world]...

Of course, Yu Chu was talking nonsense about the little stars in his eyes. His eyes are very beautiful, the pupils are dark, and they are as fine and shimmering as the ear stud in the ear.

But the stars are just metaphors. In fact, the way that person looked at her was really calm and calm, even showing indifference, and she couldn't tell her mood at all.

However, life needs metaphors!

After watching the live broadcast, he went back to the upstairs room and Yu Chu logged into the account he used that day.

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