100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1554 You are the glory (24)


She thought about it, and just saw it in the live broadcast to clarify for herself, she should express it anyway.

She edited a message.

[Chuchu moving]: Jiang Shen Jiang Shen, thank you for helping me to explain, please.

After a few seconds, the other party replied.

[Shen sss]: No trouble. Want to play a game?

Yu Chu was stunned for a moment, and silently glanced at the other party's dazzling account-of course it's good to play with God.

But this is his number for the live broadcast! Playing games with Jiang Shen is too eye-catching.

[Chuchu moving]: Jiang Shen, your account is on a live broadcast, it's too eye-catching to play with me.

After a pause, the other party replied.

[Shen sss]: Woohoo


Yu Chu watched him come over with a wronged woo woo, and couldn't help being stunned.

Idols are grieved and cute to fans... So is Jiang Shen really such a Jiang Shen!

But he was clearly indifferent to [the leader of the e-sports industry], so cold that he wouldn't even say a few more words.

In fact, the boy who jumped and typed with his fingertips was still always calm, stared at the screen, and typed the next line: "Then I'll change the number to take you."

[Chuchu moving]: Will it bother you too much?

[Shen sss]: No, no.

Yu Chu pursed his lips and smiled.

After changing numbers, I added friends again, and the two began to match the first game.

However, this game happened to meet a boy who also brought a girl, and it was the enemy camp.

Originally, they were here to bring the girl, but at the beginning, they were pulled into residual blood by the great god, and then Yu Chu, who was driven to pick up the head, took the head.

In the chat channel, the girl suddenly felt unhappy, "Why are you dead!"

The boy felt very embarrassed, and immediately comforted the girl on the chat channel: "Xiaoxiao, I was careless, I will take you to fight when I am resurrected."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Chen had already indifferently pulled the girl into blood, and said to Yu Chu, "Double kill."

Yu Chu happily picked up the second head.

The girl named Xiaoxiao was immediately mad, and said angrily, "Are you a boy! You are so embarrassed to kill me, why let others pick up my head!"

Behind the screen, the boy's lips curled into a sneering arc, and he casually skipped the sentence.

But the girl continued to scold: "If you want shame, will you continue if he gives you a head? Bully people!"

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows: "Didn't you also be brought by someone else, why did you say me? Games can't kill you yet?"

She is still calm and reasonable here.

But Jiang Chen stared at the girl's line of words, his originally indifferent expression gathered, and the dark eyes of the young man turned gloomy, and a gloomy storm was brewing.

Next, the girl was surprised to realize that the two of them were completely targeted by the other party.

Almost immediately after she was resurrected, that person could easily let her die again, and after repeated cycles, the girl's eyes turned red.

What's more terrifying is that this person even controls time, and no one is killed except them.

If the progress of his side is a little faster, he will calmly let his teammates slow down.

Except for Yu Chu, the other three teammates do not know each other, but through the operation, we can also see who is the real God, and of course we can see why the God is...

Really short.

After killing many times in a row, the boy on the opposite side was silent, and the girl finally couldn't help saying: "You did it on purpose! This is too bullying!"

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