100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1556 You are the glory (26)


The movement of the phone call here was naturally noticed by the teammates who were in the same room. The people next to him glanced at him casually, but they were shocked to see how their dignified and arrogant Jiang Shen seemed to be blushing...

sick? !

As the mainstay of HG, Jiang Shen's physical condition is naturally very important. His teammates rushed over and asked in a low voice, "Jiang Shen, you are not feeling well..."

The word "?" didn't come out in time.

The young man glanced at him lightly.

Although his fair cheeks were slightly crimson, the boy's expression was always cold, and his dark pupils were somber, so cold that his teammates shrank back all of a sudden.

...not like being sick.

After the man glanced at him, there was no expression on his delicate face, and he left the gaming chair and walked towards the door.

Coming to the corridor outside, Jiang Chen leaned against the elevator, bowed his head slightly, and his slender figure was cold.

Yu Chu waited obediently and quietly for a few seconds before a nice voice over there came, and said coldly: "I... think your cooperation is very good, can I call you in the live broadcast in the future? I don't want to change the fan belt... trouble."

At the end of the sentence, the voice was a little soft, as if he was muttering casually... It's inexplicably cute.

Yu Chu said, "Okay, okay."

Anyway, to tease him.

It's really good that he's delivered to the door to tease. Once you're done, you can take it home.

"Well." The other party paused, "We have a fan meeting next month, do you want to come? I can reserve a seat for you... I will thank you."

"You're welcome," Yu Chu said quickly.

If Jiangshen's live-streaming fan spot is released, there will definitely be a lot of people competing. Who doesn't want to be played by idols? So she was obviously taking advantage, and it was very polite to thank her.

But—a meeting?

Yu Chu touched her head, it was a bit strange that she had not received any similar news at all.

hg hasn't announced this event yet?

That's inside information.

In short, people still want to see her, she rolled her eyes: "Of course I'm going, I'm a HG fan!"

The great god is so friendly and willing to keep tickets, she can't be hypocritical and not accept it. The little cutie plays with her attitude!

Hearing her words, Jiang Chen frowned slightly, then let go. After softly determining the time and place, he lowered his eyes and hung up the phone, and pushed the door in without expression.

The teammate just now turned around again: "Jiang Shen, are you really okay? Just now you..."

Before he could finish speaking, he saw the young man's gaze, and he glanced at himself lightly with an icy suffocation. teammate:"……"

Don't offend anyone!

Why do you suddenly look unhappy again?

A few other teammates also looked at them dumbfounded, but they received indiscriminate attacks from the other party's cold eyes... The teenagers looked at them one by one, and then sat back in their gaming chairs, with a cold tone: "Sit far away. Don't get so close to me."

Very bad tone.

If the weather can describe the mood, the HG team members feel that Jiang Shen is lightning and thunder to them now.

Several people quickly sat away, wanting to cry without tears.

But why?

When a person sits on a chair, does the pot come from the sky?

During this month, Jiang Chen had three live broadcasts, and each time he brought the same fan.

The fans wailed with jealousy, resentfully and fiercely suggesting that Jiang Shen should use the method of selection to select fans.

You can't even be too lazy to draw lots just because you're lazy, right? It's really unfair to bring only one fan!

But the other side ignored it.

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