100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1557 You are the glory (27)


Yu Chu's account's private messages were almost maxed out, and someone even offered to buy her account...

Makes people cry. Yu Chu turned off the stranger's private message function, and then he cleaned up.

The last time I had a private match with Jiang Shen, thanks to her foresight, the two changed their numbers.

Otherwise, after contacting her back and forth, with Jiang Shen's attitude towards her, this group of fans may be able to hack her account.

Yu Chu shook his head.

She has also accelerated her team training these days.

She doesn't like to attract attention very much. Every time she plays, she does not appear as a coach, but watches from the back row. She has confidence in her team.

The Zhiwei team has won many provincial championships and has become a dark horse this year.

The outside world has also gradually reported on them.

The boys were very excited and became more and more convinced of Yu Chu's tactics. They practiced diligently every day, and even on vacation, they would play in the training room for a while.

In the past month, not only has his team's performance improved by leaps and bounds, but also Yu Chu and Xiao Kawai's relationship have become familiar with each other, and occasionally they will chat a few words.

a month later.

On the day of the meeting, Yu Chu wore a dress with smooth and slender calves under the dress. She carried a messenger bag and went out, following the location.

The meeting was in front of a video game town. After Yu Chu arrived, she felt strange, because she looked left and right, and did not see any fans holding light sticks.

There is also no staff to manage the order.

Generally speaking, there will be a lot of security guards at fan meetings to prevent fans from jumping directly on the gods.

Especially the HG team's face value is so high.

In addition to security, there should also be staff who review admission... Why is there nothing here?

The video game city is very lively, with people coming and going, and it looks like a normal business.

Yu Chu glanced at the time.

That's right...it hasn't started yet.

After thinking for a while, she still took out her mobile phone and called the Great God. After waiting for a few seconds, the call was connected, and she whispered, "Hello? Jiang Shen..."

There was the sound of the boy's shallow breathing, but the other party didn't speak.

Yu Chu immediately changed his mouth and said, "A Chen."

There was a meal over there, his voice was cold, and he smiled casually: "Well, are you here yet?"

"I'm here, but—" The girl tiptoed and looked inside, "I didn't see the staff, so I don't know where to enter..."

The boy's voice was low, still pleasant to the ear, and asked slowly, "Didn't you see the staff?"


"Maybe you didn't pay attention... Are you in front of the video game city?" The Great God asked casually.

Yu Chu nodded: "Yes."

"You look up, there's a huge hg billboard, is there no one under there?"

The girl stood on tiptoe, and she saw the huge billboard of HG. Jiang Shen's beautiful face was the most eye-catching, the pure black ear studs beside her ears were treacherous, and her eyes were slightly narrowed.

She looked at it for a few seconds, then looked away from the boy's face, "I saw it, but no one was there."

"Then turn back." The man whispered.

Yu Chu was stunned and looked back.

The cold and silvery white that I just saw on the billboard, at this moment, the tall and tall figure is in front of him.

The other party's black earrings shone with broken light, and the same cold eyes looked at her.

Thin lips that are as thick and beautiful as petals are slightly hooked.

The voice in the receiver overlapped with the voice in reality, casually: "Did you see it?"

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