100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1569 You are the glory (39)


But it is absolutely unexpected that this person has a crush without saying a word...

A group of people looked at each other, not too afraid to ask.

After all, on the topic of girlfriend, the former Jiang Shen was absolutely impatient, basically whoever mentioned it would die.

Jiang Shen sipped the tea again, put the teacup gently on the table, and said casually, "What do you want to ask?"

The tone is very easy-going.

HG team members looked at each other a few times.

Why does this person... seem to be happy to share love? Has he not woken up yet?

Totoro was the first to hold back his gossip heart, and asked: "Jiang Shen, did that girl win you in a single game? So you have to chase?"

After thinking about it, this is the only possibility!

Because of the already stated bet, Jiang Shen had to chase? Otherwise, how could he suddenly fall in love with a certain girl, this is so unscientific! \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

But then again, Jiang Shen doesn't seem like someone who would force himself to fall in love for the sake of a bet...

The other players thought so too.

But Chinchilla's question just avoided the details that the boy was happy and willing to share.

He paused, raised his eyes slowly, and glanced at Chinchilla, "No, she didn't beat me."

"..." Totoro somehow felt that this glance might be the last second of his life...

He swallowed and tried to remain calm under the gaze of the other party, "Then Jiang Shen, how did you like it? When did you like it? How did you chase it?"

Mentioning this, the gloom between Jiang Chen's delicate eyebrows dissipated slightly, he pondered for a while, "I don't know either, it's logical... I like her."

He remembered the signature of the first meeting, and his closeness later... the intimate address from the girl's mouth, all made him blushed. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

The boy's eyes were slightly soft.

Chinchilla pondered for a while, and felt that Jiang Shen had never been in love, and it was too unreliable to fall in love at first sight.

He looked back at the others, his teammates nodded at him, and everyone had the same mind.

Chinchilla tentatively said: "Jiang Shen, could it be your illusion? Think about it, is it true love between men and women, or is it just a temporary interest?"

The boy paused.

Seeing that he was silent, Totoro thought that the boy was thinking calmly, but the next second, he saw a slender silver-white man on the opposite gaming chair raising his eyes, and in those dark and beautiful pupils, The mood was extremely depressed, and the voice was cold: "Do you want to die?"

Totoro: "..."

Unexpectedly, a normal question suddenly ignited the temper of the Great God.

Totoro was scared to death, and was a little dumbfounded—I was asking if you were interested in others for a while, and I wasn’t asking if they were treating you, my God!

Why do you look like people don't care about you? Hey, isn't this temper so unreasonable?

Before he could speak again, the boy's eyes had already glanced at a group of teammates, and said in a low voice: "I just let you know, I'm chasing her. She has her own team, you can come and see with me tomorrow."

Everyone was naturally very curious about girls, so they all agreed. Totoro came up curiously and asked in a low voice, "Brother, do people know that you like them? In case they don't like you..."

Jiang Chen looked up at him.

Totoro slid a drop of sweat on his forehead.

But the young snow white held the cup with his long fingers, but squinted his eyes and said indifferently: "I will let her..." He paused slightly, "No one else can like it."

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