100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1570 You are the glory (40)


Totoro couldn't help shivering.

Indeed, with Jiangshen's character, he is usually quiet and calm, but with a hostile temper, he grabs people from him... It will definitely lead to doubts about life in minutes.

However, even if Jiang Shen can calmly deal with all the rivals in love, can he chase girls himself?

With his cold temper, let alone chasing girls, it would be good if he didn't scare people away from approaching.

- until a day later.

The worry about Jiang Shen not chasing girls was completely extinguished by Chinchilla.

The members of hg gathered in high spirits and happily formed a team to see the young lady.

A young lady who can handle a person like Jiang Shen must be some kind of immortal.

And Yu Chu knew that HG was coming, thought about it, and was a little worried that Qinglang and the others would be too excited.

After all, it was the king of the e-sports world. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

She tried to tell the members the news, but no one except Qinglang believed it.

"Boss, the training is already very hard, you shouldn't make such silly jokes." The boys ignored it, rolled their eyes and continued training.

Yu Chu looked at Qinglang helplessly.

Qinglang did not dare to look directly at his boss.

...It used to be no pressure to talk and laugh with the boss, but now it's different, the boss is from Jiang Shen! The relationship is good enough to use that!

If he got closer to the boss, would Jiang Shen snap him away... Qinglang didn't want to try.

The fact that Jiang Shen gave him condoms made him feel really uncomfortable... Is there anything more shocking than an idol gifting him? And Jiang Shen is a cold e-sports god. Qinglang really wants to shout about this matter and share his shock. \u0026amp;1t;i\u0026amp;gt;\u0026amp;1t;/i\u0026amp;gt;

But he didn't dare...

Yu Chu was about to raise his hand to pat Qinglang's shoulder, but as soon as he raised his hand, the other party turned pale in shock and stepped back a few steps: "Boss, if you have something to say, don't get too close to me?"

Yu Chu: "...I want you to explain to me that HG will really come today."

"I know I know, boss, don't worry, I will tell them." Qinglang immediately said that he would complete the task, and then quickly prepared to sneak out.

Yu Chu was slightly puzzled.

It seems that since the last time he met Jiang Shen, Qinglang has always avoided himself...

Did it have something to do with Jiang Shen letting him talk that day?

Yu Chu thought about it, and suddenly felt a joy in his heart-couldn't it be the little cutie who did something to declare sovereignty?

She squinted her eyes and stopped Qinglang who was about to go out, "Wait, I have something to ask you."

The blue wolf stopped stiffly.

"What did Jiang Shen tell you that day?" Yu Chu looked at his face, and his thoughts became more certain.

Qinglang hesitated: "It's nothing..."

Yu Chu narrowed his eyes and sighed, "Jiang Shen is very cold, and I'm under a lot of pressure with him. If he says anything about me, you must tell me."

As she spoke, she smiled slightly, and without further questioning, she waved at him: "Go out."

The blue wolf was stunned.

Where is he the opponent of these two people? Hearing this at this moment, he immediately sympathized and said: "Jiang Shen gave me a box of that...that."

Yu Chu immediately understood: "Set?"

What the hell! The blue wolf's eyes flashed with surprise.

The boss guessed it at once, and it seems that the two really bought it together!

He nodded honestly: "Jiang Shen said, you bought the wrong one, so give it to me."

Yu Chu was taken aback.

Like, okay?


ps (not counting): From Friday onwards, there will be six to ten changes, so today and tomorrow will be less, and a little more manuscripts will be saved, everyone will be considerate. Then thank you for recommending the monthly ticket and the reward. They are all little angels. For your support, I will try to write as long as possible. There are two preparatory brain holes in the next plane, one is the robot housekeeper, and the other is the angel and demon of the fairy tale, I will think about it. good night~

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