100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1571 You are the glory (41)


It's true that I bought the wrong one, and Jiang Shen also said that he would deal with it, but Yu Chu couldn't find the fault for a while.

She raised her eyebrows and let Qinglang go out.

After Qinglang went out, he kept in mind the tasks given by the boss, and said to several team members: "Didn't you always want to see hg, why don't you believe the boss's words?"

A boy replied: "Think! It depends on the actual situation. We are the dark horse team now, and there is no chance to see the king team in the e-sports circle!"

It makes sense and cannot be refuted.

So, a few minutes later, when there was a knock on the door downstairs, several boys were still stunned.

Qinglang smirked, pretending to be serious, and asked, "Is it a takeaway, who will open the door?"

One of the boys nicknamed Da Fei got up, walked downstairs, and asked in confusion, "It's not lunch time, who ordered takeout?"

The blue wolf thief smiled: "Go and get it."

As he said that, he couldn't help but look forward to it in his heart - that's hg! The King's Squad!

I knew it was them, and I would still be so excited, not to mention my teammates who didn't know anything.

Qinglang suppressed his excitement and waited patiently for Da Fei to open the door. Then, a scream broke out from downstairs.

Da Fei screamed.

The mushroom-headed boy nicknamed Hericium erinaceus turned his face and asked in surprise, "What happened to Da Fei?"

The people next to him were also surprised, "Falled? He won't be beaten! Didn't he take takeaway?"

"Go and see..."

Several people stood up and went downstairs, and then they saw that in the spacious hall on the first floor, in addition to the sluggish Da Fei, there were five young boys...

Totoro smiled and greeted them: "Hi? This little brother doesn't seem to welcome us very much?"

He smiled and looked at Da Fei, who was stunned.

Even Qinglang, who was mentally prepared, saw this team, and instantly burst into the excitement of wanting to scream like a girl. He couldn't help but glance at the other team members.

Everyone is stupid.

Light footsteps came from upstairs, and the girl's voice came flat: "What are you doing here?"

The members of the Zhiwei team turned back subconsciously and made way for the girl.

The five people of hg saw each other's appearance.

Totoro hissed, and couldn't help but whisper to Jiang Chen: "Wow, brother, your eyes are really good."

The girl in the light blue dress had a beautiful face. When she saw them, she showed a friendly smile and said, "Hello, my name is Ji Chuchu."

The people of Zhiwei team looked at their own boss, and faced the hg team, but they couldn't change their faces... They all showed expressions of admiration.

The HG on the opposite side also smiled at Yu Chu very friendly. Captain Ming Lan was about to speak, but a slender figure beside him stepped forward first.

Under the gaze of the two e-sports teams, the teenager walked indifferently towards the girl opposite, and only after reaching her side did he ask, "We didn't bother you, did we?"

The two teams were all terrified.

The Zhiwei team never expected that the record holder of the single game, Dignified Jiang Shen, would actually worry about visiting other teams and disturbing each other...

And the people of the hg team have long been speechless. How could they have heard Jiang Shen's gentle tone? This person has always had a lazy voice, but at this time, it was as soft as a breeze, even with a hint of cuteness...

The two teams looked at each other, feeling inexplicably being stuffed with dog food.


ps (not counting): Haha, did I not make it clear, the angel and demon are not male and female, they are two male protagonists, an angel and a demon. OK, good night

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