100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1606 Angels and Demons (6)


Yu Chu once again felt that the world was too cute.

She smiled and shook her head at the little animals, lifted them up, took them away from her feet, then led the horse to follow the witch's footsteps, and walked forward slowly.

After the two walked for a few minutes, Yu Chu saw a small wooden house beside the bushes in front of him.

The wooden house looks very simple, but after pushing the door in, it is fully furnished, and there is a soft bed with a small wooden table next to it.

A window was opened beside the bed, from which you could see the scenery outside. In the thick night, there was a flowing stream not far away, reflecting the stars in the sky.

The view is wonderful.

"Then, Princess Lilia, please rest in peace, I'll go first." The witch said.

She turned and went out, closing the door.

Yu Chu nodded politely, and after the witch left the door, she turned to look at the cabin.

This witch must have some plans.

She thought, trying to lie down on the bed.

The bed was covered with a thick and soft blanket, which made it very comfortable to lie on, but Yu Chu turned over and felt that something was under the blanket and hit him.

She lifted the blanket and looked...

? ? ?

A pea? ?

Yu Chu: "..."

rub, is this the story of the princess and the pea?

She turned over the pea and finally judged that it was indeed an ordinary bean.

Maybe the princess's skin is really too sensitive to feel the peas under this blanket.

But how could a bean appear on the bed?

She lifted the blanket completely, and now there was a circle drawn on the bed, which looked like a formation, and the bean was placed in the center of the formation.

She pinched the beans and pondered for a while.

On the other side, the witch was waiting patiently and excitedly, that formation hypnotized Princess Lilia.

She is the heir to the royal family! Using her blood as a medicinal guide, she will definitely be able to regenerate her delicate skin and become a young and beautiful woman.

Because of her appearance, the witch did not dare to wander around the kingdom, and only dared to live in this forest alone.

The princess who is delivered to your door can't be spared!

With a new face, she is no longer this ugly, and she can leave the forest!

The more the witch thought, the more excited she became.

The formation needed something to stand out, so the witch took a pea.

Through the thick blanket, the princess slept on it, how could she feel the existence of a pea?

——However, in fairy tales, it really can.

Somewhere, the princess still felt the pea in her body, and followed it to form a formation.

Yu Chu thought, this kind of magical guidance is probably the physique of the royal heir to avoid disaster...

After all, before she left, the king had said that evil people and magic couldn't hurt her.

For this kind of magical thing, she could only smile helplessly, throw the peas aside, and use a cloth strip to wipe off the bed board, and then lie on the bed.

In the middle of the night, the door creaked and slowly opened.

The ugly witch in black robe came in slowly, holding a knife in her hand, walked to the bed of the princess, looked at the beautiful face, raised the sharp knife excitedly, and prepared to stab her to kill her——

But the moment she stabbed hard, the girl on the bed opened her eyes, grabbed her hands, and kicked her abdomen hard with her feet.

The witch was caught off guard, and as soon as the strength in her hand was loosened, the knife was taken away by the opponent, and the princess got up from the bed.

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