100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1607 Angels and Demons (7)


"You..." The witch widened her eyes in surprise, in disbelief. Yu Chu walked to her side, pinched her chin, and put the tip of the knife into her mouth, hanging in the air.

"If you dare to play tricks, I'll put the knife in it, understand?" the girl asked calmly.

With the tip of the knife hanging between her lips, the witch did not dare to nod and move, so she could only say, "Understood..."

Her voice was hoarse, she spoke with difficulty, carefully avoiding the tip of the knife. Because I didn't dare to close my mouth, I couldn't speak clearly, but I could barely understand it.

Yu Chu asked, "Why did you kill me?"

The witch said vaguely: "I want the blood of a royal princess to reshape my appearance..."

"What's painted on the bed?"

"It's an array...because magic can't kill you directly, I want to hypnotize you and then kill..."

"What are the peas for?"

"That's something that pushes... pushes the formation."

After Yu Chu asked clearly, he nodded, pinched the witch's chin, and asked another thing: "Then, you really don't know how to get to the mountain?"

The witch said, "I don't know."

Yu Chu narrowed his eyes, pushed the tip of the knife forward, and said lightly, "I can kill."

The witch widened her eyes in horror: "No, I really don't know, I've never been to the mountain!"

Yu Chu pondered.

She should not lie, because the gods are the masters of angels and demons, and they are equal to the supreme patron saint of this world, so evil witches naturally dare not visit.

Seeing that the princess didn't speak, the witch was afraid that the other party would not believe her, so she quickly said, "I haven't been there, but I live in the forest and know some news."

Yu Chu slightly retracted the tip of the knife, "You say."

The witch swallowed her saliva: "Sir Shen Ling fell into a deep sleep because the division period has come."

Yu Chu was stunned: "What... the split period?"

"Yes," the witch explained, "Sir God dominates angels and demons. The two forces are in conflict. Every hundred years, the Lord will enter a split period, his body will fall into a deep sleep, and his soul will split."

"Soul split? Divided into angels and demons?"

Yu Chu asked in surprise.

If it is a conflict between two forces, it is natural to imagine what it will split into.

Divided into an angel and a demon? !

The witch replied, "Yes."

Yu Chu suddenly remembered that he had already confirmed with the system that Lord Shen Ling was his own cutie.

So what does it mean to split...

One body, two personalities—

Or completely separate, two bodies? !

She suddenly felt that her whole body was not well, stared at the witch and asked, "Wait, what is the split, the situation of the split, please clarify..."

The witch didn't understand why she was shocked, and quickly explained: "It's the main body sleeping, and the soul is divided into two, each taking the form of a human, that is, two independent gods. But when the split period is over, they will return from the human form to the soul state, and integrated into the body.”

She explained it clearly, and then, frightened and puzzled, stared at the changing expression on the girl's face.

Yu Chu: "..."

She was already stupid.

O heaven, O earth, O Virgin Mary.

That is to say - before the split period passes, the body will not wake up, and the soul will be divided into two independent people? ! Angels and Demons...

Not two personalities in the same body!

But, damn, two separate people!

Yu Chu asked, "How long does the split usually last?"

She waits for the synthesis to come together again! !


ps (not counted)

Explosion is really powerless! There are a lot of things to do in the New Year, and I have worked hard this month. Everyone feels it! I haven't had four full attendances for six months in a row! 【Bow your head and admit your mistakes to the readers' forces】

I don’t talk about doing anything big in the new year haha, I hope everyone is happy like me, I am happy every day like a fool and don’t know what I am happy about.

Stop talking! I took the melon seeds and moved the small bench to go to the Spring Festival Gala~ la la la~ Happy New Year's Eve!

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