100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1608 Angels and Demons (8)


The witch didn't know what she was thinking, and answered honestly: "This... I don't know, maybe a few years, maybe decades or hundreds of years..."

Yu Chu was taken aback. Just the guy was crying.

She will inherit the throne in a few years at most, and she must have a patron saint by her side.

Not to mention if it's decades or hundreds of years...

It seems that Kamiyama must go now.

Yu Chu thought, in fact, instead of looking for the angels and demons differentiated by the gods, she could find other patron saints, and then wait for the differentiated two to merge into one, and then she can go to the merged gods.

What a clever little devil.

With an idea in her mind, she breathed a sigh of relief.

The witch stared at the tip of the knife cautiously: "I said it all... Can you let me go?"

Yu Chu glanced at her and sneered: "You can't be so naive, are you? You want to kill me. Now, I'll give you some useful information. I'll be merciful at the most, so that you can die quickly."

Yu Chu didn't plan to let her go.

When the witch heard this, her face was as pale as paper, "No! I don't want to die!"

Princess Jin sneered, pinched her chin, and was about to stretch the knife to her neck.

"I still have information!" said the witch sharply.

Yu Chu's movements stopped, and he withdrew the knife, looking at her unexpectedly, "What other information do you have?"

"You promise me first, and if I say you will let me go without killing me." The witch stared at her and said hoarsely.

The knife in the princess's hand turned in a circle, "It depends on what you say and how much it is worth."

The witch was a little crazy.

This princess——is it too difficult to deal with?

Isn't the rumored Princess Lilia innocent and kind? But this one in front of him is completely decisive! How naive!

She couldn't, so she had to say: "I know some spells and can teach you to summon angels. Is this worth enough for you to let me go? If it is enough, I will teach you."

Yu Chu narrowed his eyes slightly.

If the witch really knew this kind of spell, then in exchange, it would be fine to let her go.

She nodded: "Deal."

The witch finally breathed a sigh of relief, hesitated, and then said: "You may not be suitable for angels, and you may not be able to summon... Why don't you teach you a spell to summon demons? Demons are more suitable..."

She glanced at the golden princess fearfully.

This kind of character does not match the pure kindness in the rumors at all. It is more suitable for the guardian angel to be a demon!

"Stop talking nonsense," the girl patted her face with a knife, "Can you teach both?"

"..." The witch was aggrieved.

Yu Chu let go of her, she stood up tremblingly, demonstrated two spells, and explained, "The spell will help you choose the most suitable Patronus. You can try summoning an angel first, and if it doesn't work, try a demon."

According to her demonstration, Yu Chu drew a magic circle on the ground and recited the summoning spell in his heart.

That magic circle actually showed a slight light, and Yu Chu stared at it in astonishment.

The light became brighter and brighter, and finally the whole cabin was illuminated like daylight, and the small animals in the depths of the forest looked at the light source curiously. And Yu Chu couldn't help raising his arm and covering his eyes with the back of his hand.

A circle of halo gently rippled from under the magic circle.

This circle of snow-white holy light spreads out, and the grass that touches it becomes more verdant, the flowers spread their petals more, and the leaves of the big trees rustle.

The forest is welcoming the arrival of angels.

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