100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1641 Angels and Demons (41)


Izel jumped off the roof, glanced at Samuel's wings, and frowned slightly: "Tsk, just like an angel, it's really not suitable for doing bad things."

Samuel patted his wings, looked down at his little hand, and said quietly, "It's not a bad thing."

Hearing this, the little devil raised his eyebrows, thought about it, and nodded in agreement: "That's right, it's not a bad thing, what should we do if Mama has a fiancé."

"Yeah." The angel also nodded.

"I don't like others being close to her." The demon announced again in a harsh tone, clenching a small fist.

"Me too." The angel nodded.

"I don't like her smiling at other people."

"Me too."

"I don't want anyone else to accompany her."

"Me too."

The two boys looked at each other, and the demon took out a piece of paper from his pocket, with a map drawn crookedly on it, he pointed to the route of action, "This is the address I asked the maid for. Give her a smile and give it to me. "

He raised his eyebrows slightly, revealing the small fangs on his lips.

Such a cute child of ice and snow, and a patron saint, of course no one can refuse his smile.

It was easy to ask for the address.

The angel stepped forward to take a look, and the ice-blue pupils swept across the road map. After a long silence, he silently backed away and said, "I don't understand. You lead the way."

The little devil glanced at him lazily.

The two children circled around the palace, relying on the Patronus's induction, they successfully avoided all patrols and came to the place where the fiancé knight lived.

Two small heads stuck out from behind the door, and the two stared at the knight who was sleeping soundly on the bed.

"He's so ugly." The demon frowned.

"It's a bit." The angel flapped his wings.

"He's uglier when he sleeps."

"That's right."

"He's still snoring."

"Well, Mama can't stand it."

The two looked at each other, the demon frowned slightly, and put away the route map, "So, why are you scared?"

The angel was quiet for a while, and said cautiously: "You can't mess around. We have to let him propose to break off the marriage, and we can't make the king and queen feel that it is Ma Ma's fault."

"I know." The demon touched his little chin and thought, "I can go to his dream."

"You wake him up, and when he wakes up, I use my identity to give him a "warning". ' said the angel.

The warning from the angel generally means the guidance of heaven - the knight wakes up after being frightened, and there is no reason not to obey the warning of the angel.

this is a good idea.

The demon fanned the beautiful bat wings and flew slowly towards the knight. Finally, the whole person turned into a wisp of black mist, and floated into the center of his eyebrows.

The angel also spread its wings and flew over, sitting quietly on the chandelier on the top of the bed, waiting.

He saw that the knight's expression gradually changed.

From a peaceful sleep, to a slight frown, and finally a little panic. However, his eyeballs had begun to roll around, but he still didn't wake up.

Samuel immediately understood that this was the devil's frightening fright, and he was unwilling to let him wake up soon.

Angel had to keep waiting.

After a few more minutes, the knight cried out and woke up sweating from his nightmare.

- It's a dream.

He gasped for breath, and after a long while, he finally wiped the sweat from his forehead and let out a long sigh of relief.

However, at this moment, a cold and tender voice came from above his head, calm and unwavering: "Do you think this is just an ordinary nightmare?"

The knight raised his head in surprise.

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