100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1642 Angels and Demons (42)


The moonlight outside the window reflected the crystal chandelier, and there was a small figure sitting on it. The beautiful snow-white wings were slightly drooping, and the ice-blue indifferent pupils all showed a kind of indifference and holiness of the gods.


He was stunned all of a sudden, and he couldn't understand at all, how could Lord Angel appear here.

He is a knight and naturally loyal to the gods. And the angel is a branch of the power of the gods. He quickly got up from the bed and knelt down on one knee: "Lord Angel."

The angel's frozen pupils looked at him quietly.

The knight swallowed his saliva, remembering the terrifying picture in the nightmare just now, his face paled: "What did the lord just say... What do you mean?"

The angel tilted his head, raised his blushing lips slightly, spread out the holy wings behind him, left the chandelier and stopped in mid-air, facing the snowy moonlight outside the window.

"This engagement will bring misfortune to you."

The knight suddenly widened his eyes.

The angel glanced at him, "It's good to do it yourself."

He flapped his wings, "If you want to break the engagement, you can tell the king now, and I'll be here waiting for you to testify for you. If you come to me to testify after tonight, I don't necessarily want to help you anymore. ."

The knight was stunned for a while.

Marriage with the royal family is naturally good, but as a knight, the reverence for the gods is far above everything, and the warning from the angel is definitely something he has to consider.

He only stayed for a while, and then respectfully kowtowed: "Thank you sir for warning, I'll go right now."

The little angel nodded.

The knight went out in a hurry.

Samuel stayed where he was for a while, then turned to look at the corner of the room where a dark shadow of a little girl gradually emerged, with blood all over her face.

Izel tore off the long, and the other end turned into a black mist and dissipated. He patted his body, and proudly curled his lips to reveal his small fangs, "It's done."

"I'm here waiting for him," Samuel said.

The demon glanced at him lazily, "Then I'll go back first, otherwise Mama suspects us, and it'll be bad if I'm not in the room. As for you..."

The little devil showed an unhappy look, "Anyway, if you are so good at pretending, she won't doubt you."

Samuel was silent.

The demon slapped the bat wing and flew straight out of the window, and the dark purple quickly disappeared into the night.

In the middle of the night, the knight suddenly asked to meet the king and queen to discuss the divorce.

This incident shocked the entire palace.

When Yu Chu heard this, sure enough, the first reaction was that the two little ghosts did it. But she was served by a maid, and after she hurriedly put on her dress and walked out the door, she saw that Iger also rubbed his eyes and came out of his room.

The two looked at each other, Yu Chu raised his eyebrows.

"Mama." The other party saw her, but he still rushed up and hugged her waist regardless.

The maid's expression was slightly startled.

Lord Patronus is really too sticky to the princess.

At this time, it was late at night, and the devil was still wearing black pajamas, looking soft and cute, but when he saw the princess, he immediately rushed up and was intimate.

After the maid was shocked, she couldn't help but smile. The princess is indeed worthy of being a princess. She has two patron saints, and the two adults also like her very much.

When Yu Chu saw Yizher staying in the room, his doubts about the two little ones were slightly dispelled. They went to see the knight together, and the other party sincerely explained the reason.

And there was an angel's "warning", and the king and queen had to agree to the request for annulment.

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