100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1659 Angels and Demons (59)


"No." The boy immediately held her hand, his slender fingertips were a little cold, he hesitated, and looked at her with narrow eyes, "...Okay."

The little devil thought about it.

Although I had a complicated feeling when I touched the wings when I was a child, but now that I have grown up and the wings have grown up, there should be nothing left.

He rubbed his shoulders, and stretched out a pair of gorgeous and evil bat wings from behind the boy's slender body.

They stretched out slowly, showing sinister patterns under the moonlight, and unfolded slowly like a picture scroll.

Izer still lay quietly on the girl's lap, his voice a little lazily, "Knead it."

Yu Chu pressed his temples, glanced at him, and confirmed, "Are you going back obediently after rubbing?"

Izel thought for a while, "Yeah."

It seems that we absolutely cannot sleep together today. Well then, let's go back after rubbing the wings...

He narrowed his eyes reluctantly, his thin lips showed little tiger teeth viciously, and he lay on his stomach quietly.

The girl reached out to touch his bat wing.

The soft fingertips touched the bat wing behind the boy. The person who had a lazy expression suddenly widened his eyes in astonishment. His dark red eyes were stunned. He unconsciously shrank the dark purple bat wing and curled up.

Aware of the boy's movement of curling his wings, Yu Chu retracted his hand in confusion: "What's wrong?"

The black boy raised his eyes.

His expression has always been lazy and sultry, but at this time, he was inexplicably stunned, his thin red lips pursed, his slender fingertips unconsciously grasped the quilt, the young man's voice was slightly hoarse, and he whispered in a low voice: "No... "

What does that feel like?

He was a little dazed, and pursed his lips silently.

The electric current drawn from the bat wing has been running all over the body, making people feel a little trembling. As a demon who is not afraid of the sky, the young man hesitated.

He lowered his head and was silent for a while, and finally, with a little caution, as if restraining some shyness, he silently unfolded his bat wings again, and the tip of his tail was slightly curled, as if he was still embarrassed.

The little devil raised his eyes quietly, and looked at her with narrow and evil eyes, looking a little well-behaved.

He was vaguely at a loss.

Yu Chu didn't think much of it, so he reached out and touched the beautiful wing bone again, pressed it gently along the lines, and slid all the way down like a massage.

From the tip of the wing bone to the tip of the tail.

She massaged very seriously.

With the movement of the girl's fingertips, the strange and exciting feeling became more and more obvious. The dark purple gorgeous wings were slightly curled up, as if they were extremely shy, and they were barely stretched out only by the owner's strong support.

The young man lowered his head, the black curls shattered, and his lazy expression disappeared. He bit his red lips slightly, and the light in his narrow eyes trembled.

Very unfamiliar feeling.

There was a daze in the demon's eyes, and the narrowed eyes moved lightly, barely suppressing the breath between the lips, and the snow-white little tiger teeth bit the thin lips out of small marks.

The slender fingers on the side gradually grasped the thin quilt, but the little devil remained silent.

However, this was not something that could be easily suppressed. His breathing became heavier, and the young man let out a small panting from his thin lips. He made a low noise, and then bit his lip.

After the massage, Yu Chu wondered, "What's wrong?"

The black boy was lying on her knees, and he couldn't see his expression when he lowered his head. He paused, raised his hand to cover the tip of his red ear, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "It's nothing, I'm too tired."

Yu Chu patted him: "Go back to sleep?"

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