100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1660 Angels and Demons (60)


The teenager bit his thin lip, but this time he didn't act coquettishly and wanted to stay, silently closed his wings and left, his slender back was vaguely dazed, as if he had suffered a major blow, and looked pitiful.

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows in confusion.

The little devil has always done what he wants, arrogant and fierce, but suddenly he is so well-behaved and even has a little pitiful temperament... I'm really not used to it.

She shook her head and fell into bed comfortably.

And Iger did not return to the room.

The young man was sitting on the window of the inn, with dark purple gorgeous bat wings spread out behind his back, his slender fingers resting on his white chin, and he stared at the city below in a trance.

The bat wing shrank, he raised his hand and touched the tip of the tail, but he didn't have the strange feeling just now.

...Remembering the unfamiliar current sensation just now, a blush appeared on the young man's fair cheeks.

He stared at his own wings fiercely, then gritted his teeth blankly, and simply flew down, opened the window of Samuel's room, and fell lightly to the ground.

The well-behaved little angel has already slept.

Aware that someone came in, the silver boy rubbed his eyes, Bingyin's long eyelashes blinked slightly, he silently turned his head to look over, "...what are you doing?"

The demon didn't know how to speak for a moment.

The silver boy glanced at him, showing a slightly clear look, "You climbed into the wrong room."

The white fingers pointed to the wall, and the angel's voice was cold and waveless, "She's next door."

"No." The demon stepped forward, sat down beside the bed, and raised his hand to touch his bat wing.

He looked at the angel, "What are our wings for? What else can we do besides flying?"

After listening to the question, the little angel was a little confused.

"What else can I do besides flying?" He frowned and asked quietly, not understanding the question.

The two looked at each other, Izel stretched out his bat wings, "You touch it."

"?" The angel frowned.

He didn't understand what the devil meant, but it was obvious that the other party was asking a serious question. Samuel raised his hand and touched the pair of bat wings, "What do you want to say?"

The black boy frowned and felt it quietly.

Hmm... not feeling anything.

He retracted the bat wing and thought for a while, "It doesn't seem to be because of the wings...it's because of her."

Samuel frowned.

He had absolutely no idea what the devil was saying.

Izer stood up lazily, and walked out of the window in a good mood. After reaching the window, he turned his head and raised his eyebrows, "Don't say I didn't warn you... You can go to her now and give you a massage. wing."

After all, I am a person, and I usually want to get a little more. I don’t enjoy the same benefits, but it is not a complete acquisition of the gods.

He recalled that feeling, and licked his little white fangs, his thin lips curled into a lazy smile, not at all the pitiful trembling under the girl's hand just now, but with an aloof posture, raising delicate eyebrows, five One word summary: "It feels good."

The angel looked at him silently.

The silver boy unfolded the wings on his back. The white and holy color flashed in the moonlight. He touched the feathers with his white fingertips, and his face was like ice and snow, and his expression was obviously puzzled: "What does it mean to be good?"

The little devil opened the window, "You go now."

He unfolded his bat wings and flew away lazily.

The remaining snow-like angel tilted his head, not quite understanding what he meant. He turned his head to look at his pure white wings, and pursed his red lips after a long while.

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