100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1682 Can I come over and kiss you (5)


Seeing that she didn't speak, Zhou Lin quickly got up while the iron was hot and pushed her to his seat, "Study committee member, you have to trust me, I really want to study hard, I don't know how to do this, come and sit down and I'll stand. ."

His expression was sincere.

Yu Chu paused, without embarrassing him, sitting in Zhou Lin's seat, picking up the paper: "This way?"

Seeing that she was willing to speak, Zhou Lin hurriedly smiled and showed his white teeth, "That's right, right, right."

The girl lowered her head and began to read the question.

Zhou Lin was a little proud, raised his eyebrows and glanced at his tablemate. The same table also gave him a thumbs up and mouthed, "Dude is awesome."

Zhou Lin is delighted.

Let's just say, this kind of girl who is studying hard, he is not easy to catch.

Let her talk about the topic, she didn't refuse. He must have felt a little bit about him, and it was just cold on the surface.

He looked at the girl's figure.

She lowered her head and combed her head into a neat ponytail, revealing the white and tender back of her neck, which looked a little cute. Zhou Lin looked a little dumbfounded.

In fact, the small study committee is also quite good.

He was in a trance when a small noise suddenly came from the back door, and a girl walked in.

Zhou Lin looked up.

——She's actually the school girl next door to her crush!

The girl has a long drape, a delicate face, a tall stature, and an indescribably glamorous temperament on her body.

Zhou Lin felt another move in his heart.

Damn, how did you miss out just now! The girl he has a crush on is obviously thousands of times better than the junior study committee!

However, of course people didn't come to him.

Dong Yiyi went straight to the boy in the corner.

Fu Yu wasn't sleeping at this time, instead he supported his forehead with one hand and looked at the direction of the classroom lightly.

Seeing someone walking towards him, the boy raised his eyelashes indifferently, and looked over with dark and lazy eyes.

Dong Yiyi has a bold personality and is very confident in himself. But when she walked in front of Fu Yu, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous, her fingers trembling slightly.

Fu Yu is very strange.

His family never came to school. Whether it's a school event or a parent-teacher meeting, Fu Yu is always alone, or he doesn't even come.

It's like having no family.

However, his temperament and clothes, including the watch on his wrist, are expensive that ordinary people can't afford. His temperament is clear and high, even a little gentleman's elegance, not like an ordinary identity.

His eyes are always indifferent, and he doesn't care about anything, as cold as the cold wind of winter.

Most people who have seen Fu Yu have a feeling.

He seems to be staying here inadvertently, he won't interact with anyone, and he will soon return to his own circle, and he will never have anything to do with them again. To put it bluntly - it doesn't feel like a person from the world.

As for his reputation as a schoolmaster...

Speaking of which, it is also related to Dong Yiyi.

Because she was the school beauties, after she said that she liked Fu Yu, Fu Yu received fewer love letters, because the girls consciously couldn't compete for the school beauties.

But he has received all kinds of challenges since then. Those who dislike him or like Dong Yiyi will come to him. As a result, they are solved one by one, and the reputation of the school bully spreads.

Anyway, Fu Yu didn't study, and often didn't come to class casually. The whole image was a scumbag, and now he fights well, so the title of school bully is very appropriate.

He also never talked to Dong Yiyi.

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