100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1683 Can I come over and kiss you (6)


Generally speaking, many fights with him are because of Dong Yiyi, so he should at least give him an attitude.

For example, if I don't like her, you don't have to come and fight me - that kind of thing. But Fu Yu didn't, and if anyone found them, they would fight, and Dong Yiyi was not mentioned at all.

Dong Yiyi thinks that this may be a tacit consent. He likes himself, so he is willing to fight for himself. Otherwise why didn't he explain it?

Her palm was slightly sweaty, and she handed over the love letter in her hand, "Fu, classmate Fu Yu..."

The boy lowered his eyes and glanced at the love letter.

The class watched gossip silently. The love scene of the school bully and the school flower! Although everyone is more or less sour, they seem to be quite suitable...

Everyone was waiting for Fu Yu's response.

The dark eyes of the young man glanced over, cold and light, without showing the slightest emotion.

Dong Yiyi was a little embarrassed and disappointed, but he still put the love letter on his desk.

"Student Fu Yu, I like you!"

She mustered up the courage to say.

With confidence in her own appearance, she leaned over and prepared to hit the other side on the table, and then kissed him directly.

There was a terrified uproar in the class.

The school flower classmates are too bold!

However, before she could get close, the boy's slender and fair hands picked up the pen on the table, and the pen cap pressed against her shoulder, preventing her from approaching him. There was a hint of lazy sneer in the young boy's breezy eyes.

Dong Yiyi's face instantly turned red.

This was the moment when she was closest to the other party. She could clearly see his eyelashes, which were curled and slender. The dark pupils below seemed like an abyss. However, his expression was a little unconcerned and cold.

He retracted the pen cap, leaned back on the back of the chair, pointed the tip of the pen on the edge of the envelope, and pushed it towards the girl, with a slightly loose voice: "Take it."

The meaning of refusal is obvious.

Dong Yiyi was stunned, his face flushed red. This exhibition was completely different from what she thought in her mind. She clenched her hands tightly, and finally grabbed the love letter, her eyes were slightly red, and she almost ran out of the classroom crying.

The class was silent, and after a few seconds, there were whispered conversations, and Fu Yu had already stood up, pushed the chair away slightly, and walked out alone.

His expression was still casual, as if he didn't think it would be cool to reject the school beauties, he walked out of the classroom with the usual indifference, and his slender back disappeared.

The class suddenly began to discuss enthusiastically.

"I'm afraid the school girl will cry to death." The girls in the front row gloated over the misfortune. "As I said earlier, Fu Yu definitely doesn't like her. She thinks that people are fighting for her, and she likes her by default..."

"Yeah, maybe I'm too lazy to explain."

And Zhou Lin also touched his nose and whispered to his tablemate, "This guy is really cool."

"That's not it, that's the school flower." The same table also whispered back with deep approval.

Yu Chu ignored this, knocked on the table, and said calmly, "Do you still listen?"

"Listen." Zhou Lin hurriedly lowered his head to listen.

Yu Chu explained it to him again, watched him write the inscription, and then took the paper and left.

She sent her homework to the teacher's office.

Holding two stacks of papers upstairs, on the small balcony at the end of the corridor, she saw a slender figure.

At the end of the corridor on each floor, there is an independent and separate balcony. At this time, the class is about to start. There are no students in the corridor, and that person is leaning on the railing lazily, his dark eyes looking flatly.

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