100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1780 Interstellar Robot Butler (35)


This planet is very prosperous, Liu Bai gave it to Qin Mingxiu, I don't know how much benefit he got in exchange.

Yu Chu sneered slightly.

The sun shines into the garden, and the figures in the flower hall are graceful and graceful, with a housekeeper standing behind them.

Qin Mingxiu sat in the flower hall, drinking tea with her head down, looking at the girls outside with great interest.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Lu Chuchu seems to be a little better than before, and her temperament is also a little more generous.

Qin Mingxiu narrowed her eyes and looked at the young man behind her. The man lowered his eyes and followed Lu Chuchu calmly, with neatly cut snow-white shirts, perfectly cold fingers, and eyes that were always smooth behind the eyelashes...

Although know he is a machine.

But such a person who is always elegant and unwavering can easily give people a desire to conquer.

I really want to see other expressions on his face.

Unfortunately, for a robot, it is impossible to have a programmed expression in this life.

Qin Mingxiu pursed her lips regretfully, stood up from the seat, and walked forward to greet her with a smile, "Why didn't Miss Six tell me in advance, I can also entertain the two of you well, not in such a hurry now..."

Yu Chu glanced at her, "Miss Qin is polite."

Qin Mingxiu smiled, and the corners of his mouth curved up in confusion, "However, in order to express my apology and sincerity to welcome you, I specially prepared a gift."

Yu Chu narrowed his eyes.

"Number 1683, come here." Qin Mingxiu turned back and smiled at the housekeeper robot behind him.

The other party stepped mechanically, stepped forward, bowed his waist respectfully, and said in a pleasant voice, "Hello."

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows, "Will you send me a robot?"

Behind her, under Wen Si's beautiful eyelashes, the data blue light rolled over and scanned the robot's body.

The expression on the young man's face was still a flawless smile as he looked at the robot politely.

"Yeah, this robot has the most advanced performance in all aspects. I specially gave it to you." Qin Mingxiu smiled and glanced at Wen Si.

The young man stood behind the girl, smiling silently.

"Okay," the girl said casually, "since it's a gift from Miss Qin, I'll be disrespectful."

"1683, it's not over yet." Qin Mingxiu suddenly smiled and turned to Jin's robot.

Young Jin smiled, his smile was much stiffer than that of Wen Si, but it was also the usual expression of a robot.

He walked over, bent down with the same smile, and bowed, "Master."

"What do you know?" Yu Chu asked.

"Cooking, dancing and singing, I can do it for you." Jin Youth raised his head with a smile at the corners of his mouth, and replied in an unwavering tone, "I will also massage you to relieve fatigue. Regarding the lover mode, I will It can also be done well.”

Yu Chu: "..."

Qin Mingxiu didn't seem to think something was wrong, she nodded in appreciation, and asked, "Is Miss Six satisfied?"

Yu Chu glanced at her lazily.

Qin Mingxiu turned to Wen Si again.

The other party lowered his head slightly, with a soft black under his eyes, his eyes dark blue, and every move with perfect etiquette.

Qin Mingxiu's eyes flashed, "Miss 6's robot looks very unusual."

Yu Chu glanced at her with a half-smile but not a smile. Because she knew the little movements behind her back, she bent her lips to test it out: "A machine, if Miss Qin likes it, why not give it to you? It's a gift."

Qin Mingxiu was taken aback.

I didn't expect Lu Chuchu to be so generous...

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