100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1781 Interstellar Robot Butler (36)


She originally said casually, just to test Lu Chuchu, but she didn't expect the other party to give it away.

This robot should be said to be the best one in the world at present. Lu Chuchu is willing to give it away?

Besides, it is still useful for Wen Si to stay by Lu Chuchu's side. She can send it, but she can't ask for it now.

Qin Mingxiu looked at Wen Si without smiling, shook his head and said, "Miss 6 is joking, who doesn't know your robot... It's not an exaggeration to say that it is the most powerful robot in the world. How dare I Ask for it."

Yu Chu narrowed his eyes and smiled, but did not answer.

When she came like this, Qin Mingxiu couldn't see through her mind, so she couldn't help but be careful.

Seeing that the girl didn't speak any more, Qin Mingxiu smiled, and then said inexplicably, "Besides, Miss 6 gave it to me so easily, is it because she is dissatisfied with people?"

Yu Chu looked back at Wen Si.

The purpose of coming here today is to make Qin Mingxiu think that her own plan has been successful.

So at this time, Wen Si should be allowed to stay and tell Qin Mingxiu about the situation of Keka Rexing.

She looked at the young man.

The other party understood what she meant and nodded slightly to her, indicating that he would complete the task.

Yu Chu turned his head and stared at the Jin robot with a half-smile, "I'm still curious about the function of your machine, otherwise, you can prepare a room for us first, and I'll take him to study..."

She deliberately made her words ambiguous, but Qin Mingxiu didn't think much of it, and immediately responded with a smile.

When the two left, Wen Si did not keep up, but stood silently with his eyes lowered.

Qin Mingxiu grinned and watched the backs of the two disappear before turning to look at him, "It seems that you are not that important in Lu Chuchu's heart."

The robot was silent.

"But yes, machines are toys. She has a new toy, so of course she doesn't care about you." Qin Mingxiu narrowed her eyes thoughtfully, glanced at him, smiled and shook her head, "Forget it, you will follow in the future. Me. Let Lu Chuchu know that you betrayed her in the future, and you will never stay by her side. "

Wen Si still had an impeccable smile, elegant and polite, as if she couldn't hear what she said.

Qin Mingxiu felt a little boring.

This person is too good-looking, if it is a real human, it will definitely make many people crazy.

But he is a robot, has no emotions or emotions, and will never respond emotionally to anyone in this life.

After asking something, she sighed and let the robot leave.

The other party bowed gracefully and saluted, then turned around.

The visual system returned to normal at this time, and the owner's image was evacuated from Qin Mingxiu.

Wen Si looked for the master's location, walked outside the room, lowered his eyes slightly, and knocked on the door lightly.

Pretty face with a calm smile.

A few seconds passed.

No one came to open the door.

He lowered his eyes and turned to stand quietly in front of the door, like a sculpture, silent.

Time passed minute by minute.

It wasn't until a certain moment when the door was gently opened, the girl rubbed her eyes and came out from the inside, and when she saw the straight and slender man in front of the door, she raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Asi, why are you here, why don't you go in?"

The robot smiled at her.

"Master," he suddenly politely said, "Program search, machines are toys that accompany humans. Once you recognize someone else as the master, it's hard to get the former master's favor."

Yu Chu was taken aback.

The other party looked at her and asked quietly, "Can I still come back to you?"

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