100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1806 Brother is the Elf King (2)


The elves originally had no relatives.

Because everyone is an elves born from the tree of life, and they reproduce with each other, not through fertility, so no one has a blood relationship with anyone.

The original owner had a brother because she and His Majesty the Elf King were born from the same leaf.

When a leaf of the tree of life gives birth to a spirit, it will gradually wither and fall.

So originally, it is impossible to give birth to two elves from the same leaf.

But there is an exception - because the withering degree of the leaves is related to the innate ability of the elves.

The genius of elves is purity.

The purer the elf, the brighter the color when it was born, and the elf born in this leaf, the golden dazzling and supple, just like the sun.

Deserved to be the king.

Because of the powerful innate ability, the leaf born by the elf king withered very slowly, and before it withered, the remaining vitality and energy in the leaf actually gave birth to a elf, that is, Aegway.

She can naturally call the Elf King her elder brother.

But aside from the legend of her life experience, Aegway is very ordinary in other aspects, with average bow and arrow skills, average flying ability, and even her head is light maroon.

The elves did not reject her.

The friends still treat her well.

But Aegway was very low self-esteem.

And she has never seen the so-called brother, that is, His Majesty who was born with the same blade.

The other party didn't seem to care about her existence.

She and the other party came from the same blade, and they were considered brothers and sisters. They should have had the best relationship with the elves.

People around her always say that she is the younger sister of His Majesty the Elf King and an excellent elf.

But her brother never paid attention to her, she grew up among his friends, and he didn't even visit her once.

Igway practiced bow and arrow desperately, hoping to choose to go to the elf palace and be a bodyguard.

She wanted to meet the Elf King whom everyone admired.

Also his own brother.

I heard that his color is the purest and brightest, exactly the same as the sun, and his eyes are also the most beautiful and green, like the color of the tree of life.

Igway would love to meet.

But she failed and was not selected.

So, the word brother became her wish, and she especially hoped to be recognized by her brother.

After receiving the plot, Yu Chu was silent.

She touched the top of her head.

Oh, no head yet.

Because of the purity of the Elf King, this leaf did not wither immediately, but instead gave birth to Aegway.

However, it only has some energy left, so the born Aegway has a light chestnut head, and his talent is not good, even learning bow and arrow and flying is very difficult.

She scratched her head.

Getting recognized is not easy.

Although they are brothers and sisters, one is an aloof elf king, the other is just an ordinary elf, and even has a little flaw in talent.

I'm afraid it's hard to even meet...

Meanwhile, in the Elf Palace.

In the magnificent palace, the dazzling sunlight shines through the pillars, the vines on the dome are verdant, and there are beautiful little flowers in the middle, which are pleasantly fragrant.

The winged elf guard knelt down and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, we went to the Tree of Life to investigate, and that leaf should be about to unfold."

Behind the hall, on the throne of vines and gems, a gauze curtain separates the view from the outside, there is no sound inside, and the young elf king seems to be resting.

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