100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1807 Brother is the Elf King (3)


The guard did not dare to speak.

An old elf stood beside him, his gray robe dragged to the ground, holding a cane in his hand, and stroking his beard, "It seems that he is about to be born."

He turned to the person on the throne and asked, "Your Majesty, are you going to take a look? Born from the same leaf, this is rare, and it is a true kinship for elves."

His Majesty did not answer.

After a long while, a young and clear voice sounded, like a clear and pure forest stream, ding-dong and sweet in the cold, "No need."

"Yes." The old man bowed his head respectfully.

Yu Chu stayed in the leaves for another day.

Strangely she wasn't hungry either.

It may be because this is the tree of life, which itself is the place to supply the energy of the elves.

A day later, the outside slowly revealed its true appearance, and the leaves gently unfolded their curled leaves.

Yu Chu blinked blankly.

The small, white and tender girl was crawling alone on the huge leaf. The leaf was actually very soft, like some kind of soft cloth.

Yu Chu was silent, tore off the leaves a little, and silently wrapped his small body.

Although her body is a newborn baby elf, she is not psychologically. She can cover it if she can...

After wrapping herself up, she reluctantly felt relieved, and looked into the distance with her small head.

After a while, the figure of other elves appeared in the sky, who came to pick up the born elves.

And more than one.

The first to come was a middle-aged female elf. She hugged her lovingly, pinched Yu Chu's round and tender face, and said in surprise, "Our little princess can actually make a swaddling out of leaves..."

Immediately afterwards, she saw a gap in the leaves that gave birth to elves, and she couldn't help but stop talking.

Uh... But isn't it not good to use your own leaves to grow? And this leaf not only gave birth to her, it was also the leaf of His Majesty the Elf King...

The guard next to him also glanced at the leaves and shook his head helplessly, "This kind of trivial matter will not be reported to Your Majesty, but will the little princess be brought into the palace?"

At this time, an old voice suddenly came from behind: "Let me see."

The guards immediately got out of the way.

The old man came to the newly born elf, looked at it, and sighed slightly: "It looks cute with ice and snow, but His Majesty didn't say that he would bring it back to the palace. Just bring it back to the tree house and raise it as an ordinary elf."

The guards and the female elves nodded silently.

Yu Chu felt bad.

If this is going to be sent away, isn't that the old way of the original owner? Raised as an ordinary elf, only ghosts will be able to meet the elf king brother in the future.

She coughed and waved her small arms babblingly, trying to get in the direction of the old man.

The female elf holding her was stunned, and then smiled in surprise, "Lord Senen, the elf seems to like you very much and has been struggling with you."

The old man was also stunned.

In the kingdom, he has always been iron-blooded and resolute, rarely touching elf children.

This time, it was also related to His Majesty, so he took a look at it in person.

But now, the little elf girl, with her big round eyes and green eyes like new leaves, stared at him with her arms outstretched.

A cute and not noisy child is really a killer.

Even Senen's heart softened, he hesitantly held the cane, and said, "Give me a hug."

He gently took the elf.

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