100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1842 Brother is the Elf King (38)


Yu Chu blinked, followed him for a few steps, and suddenly lowered his head and smiled slightly, his tone seemed a little shy, "Brother, I actually think that human lovers are quite interesting... I will also think about it in the future. I have a lover. I want to find a human, can I..."

Before the voice fell, it seemed as if the strings of reason were completely broken, and the boy who was walking calmly, suddenly tightened his fingers while holding her.

Yu Chu's eyes went dark, and before she could react, she felt the wind blowing past her ears, blowing the hood off her head. At the same time, her back slammed into the wall, and they were already in a dark alley. inside.

The moonlight shone on the girl's light chestnut long hair.

She was pushed against the wall, her slender black robe leaned over in front of her, her snow-white fingers lined the black dress, and the cold color seemed to match the owner's mood.

The other party's voice was cold, "Can you say it again?"

Yu Chu coughed slightly, grabbed the elf's beautiful fingers, looked at the shadow in the hood, and looked at the cold and delicate chin.

She blinked, "Brother...Isn't it possible that I can't fall in love with the human race? Well, then I don't want to find the human race. I'll go back and see our elves..."

Before she could finish her sentence, snow-white slender fingers covered her lips, preventing the following words.

The girl is quiet.

The Elf King raised his other hand and lifted the black hood. Beautiful and bright gold appeared in the moonlight, and a pair of long ears were so white that they almost shone.

Such a delicate and beautiful face, but those emerald green eyes are like branches and leaves frozen by ice and snow, and the beautiful pupil color has a frozen feeling.

"You're leaving brother?" he asked softly.

The girl blinked slightly and shook her head quickly.

The beautiful fingers were slowly removed from her lips, and the elf boy looked at her quietly with a pair of eyes.

"I won't leave my brother," the girl smiled ingratiatingly, "but lovers and relatives... don't conflict, brother. You will always be my brother."

The boy was completely silent.

He seemed startled.

Immediately, in the next second, from those pure emerald green eyes, extreme tyranny surged in an instant, the darkness swept through the pupils in an instant, and the clear voice became hoarse: "Aegway..."

The voice seems to be restraining something.

Yu Chu was a little cowardly, but he still asked honestly, "Is there any problem with this, brother? Elves can also have partners, but can't I?"

Yes, elves can have companions too.

She can have it too.

"Yes. No problem, you can have it," the young man said, his voice was calm and restrained, as if he had no emotion, but his slender fingers held her and slowly put his sister's hand on his heart, "But here is my brother. , very uncomfortable... I'm in pain."

From the beginning, it was like torn apart.

Nuancui's beautiful pupils looked at her sister, Gasser leaned over slightly, "Do you really want a partner?"

The dumb girl opened her lips.

"elder brother……"

"If you really want a lover," the elf boy leaned over slightly, his ultimate beauty approached her, his eyes like buds, and Jin Zhong's long white ears, all slowly enlarged in his sight.

In a low voice, "You can consider me."

Yu Chu suddenly widened his eyes.

real or fake?

In her sight, the slender lips of the beautiful elf opened lightly, "Brother is your lover. Okay?"

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