100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1843 Brother is the Elf King (39)


Yu Chu stared at him with wide eyes.

Two pairs of equally emerald green eyes looked at each other, the elf boy slowly leaned down, his white forehead pressed against his sister's forehead, and closed his eyes slightly.

Since just now, I have always wanted to kill that person.

This is very inappropriate. With his spirit as an elf king, he shouldn't have thought of killing at will.

Especially the guy didn't do anything.

Just with his sister...



The thought turned to this, the eyes in the shadows suddenly became cold again, the elf king lowered his eyelashes, and the rose-like lips were pressed into a beautiful straight line, trying his best to hold back the crazy tyranny and killing mood.

A pair of small hands gently cupped his face, and his sister's emerald green eyes curled up, "Brother, really?"

"Yeah." The Elf King heard his answer.

The emerald green eyes were cold.

Being an elf really doesn't require love. But if the younger sister wants, instead of letting her be intimate with others, it is better to take the elder brother as a lover. As a brother, he can't stand his sister being close to others...

The Elf King frowned slightly.

Yu Chu was also thinking slowly in his heart.

Brother Meiren may be jealous, so jealous that he can't maintain his calm, so easily agree to fall in love.

But in his heart, it is possible that he still thinks he is a brother. It's just that I changed the title of my lover and kept her by my side, but maybe they will still be brothers and sisters in the future?

She pursed her lips and smiled, wrapping her arms around the neck of the elf king boy, "Then will my brother listen to me in the future? I heard that for lovers in the world, boys want to be nice to girls. Will my brother treat me? ?"

This problem is not a problem for Gasher at all.

"Listen to you." The Elf King pulled his sister's fingertips down, his pupils warmed slightly, and stared at her silently, "Egway can't leave brother either."

"Mmmm." The girl squinted her eyes and smiled, and said coquettishly, "Brother, will you go back with me?"

The teenager released her: "Okay."

Yu Chu put on a hood for him on tiptoe, black covered the beautiful face again, the long ears and gold were hidden, and only the arc of the white jaw was exposed.

She put on her hood herself, threw herself on her brother's back with a smile, hooked the young man's slender shoulders, and leaned on his shoulders close to his long ears, "Brother..."

"Well." The voice under the black hat was a little embarrassed, and the young man whispered, "Don't be like this, Igway."

The girl was dissatisfied: "But lovers can be like this. My brother lied to me when he said he was a lover?"

The figure under the black clothes was silent for a while, and Gasser said softly, "...No."

"Then I can do this to my brother." The girl rubbed the elf king's ear.

Under the black robe, under the cover of the night and the hat, the young man's fair and beautiful face turned crimson.

But in the end it didn't stop.

"Brother, you have to listen to me in the future."


The girl raised her eyebrows and showed a successful smile.

The two returned to the hotel, and the maid on duty couldn't help showing an envious expression when she saw her brother returning with his sister on his back.

Yu Chu jumped down, reached into the black robe, and rubbed his brother's waist, "Am I heavy?"

Touched by the girl on the waist, the young man froze almost immediately, unable to see the expression under the black hat, but his voice became more embarrassed, "...Aegway is very light."

His slender fingers held her and took her hand out of the black robe.

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