100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1845 Brother is the Elf King (41)


The long ear turned crimson from the touch, the elf boy's cheeks were hot, and he turned his eyes. After listening to her words, he lowered his long eyelashes.

Although his cheeks were flushed, his voice was still clear and cold: "Of course my brother wants to get close to Aegway, you are my sister. It's getting late, go to sleep."

Yu Chu leaned on his shoulder thoughtfully.

It seems that when it comes to the topic of "closeness", Brother Meiren doesn't think of going anywhere else at all.

Elves have no desires.

Not to mention the purest elf king.

Well, that's not bad, it's already a romantic relationship anyway, so it's good to keep the status quo.

She lightly held the boy's hand, took one of his hands into her arms, and closed her eyes to sleep with satisfaction.

Gasser looked at her slightly.

The girl's face had been in front of him since she was born, and he was very familiar with it now.

The boy raised his fingertips slightly and slid along his sister's chin to his lips, and he smiled slightly.

Be in love with her. Actually very good.

Before the thought disappeared from his mind, the younger sister suddenly opened her eyes and came closer, her slender long legs were directly on the boy's waist, her whole body was tightly wrapped around him, her lips were against the tip of the elf's ear, "Well, brother, go to sleep. ."

Gasser was hugged by her, and the whole person was quiet for a while before slowly pursing his petal-like lips.

He lowered his slender white hands and put his fingertips lightly on her ankles, trying to move the girl's legs away from her abdomen.

But the fingertips touched her ankle, and the elf boy's eyes stopped on his sister's face, and in the end he didn't move, just turned sideways silently, facing her face.

He raised his hand and stroked his sister's soft chestnuts, his emerald green eyes softened, "Okay, good night."

There has never been this level of intimacy before.

Although they used to be brothers and sisters and they were very close to each other, she never did such a move.

The Elf King didn't find it annoying.

In fact, not only did he not feel disgusted, but he vaguely felt a kind of pleasure, like a natural instinct.

He leaned over slightly, and pressed his fair forehead against his sister's, before slowly closing his beautiful eyes.

the next day.

When Yu Chu woke up, there was no older brother Meiren by the bed. The young man sat alone at the table reading a book. When he saw her awake, he curled his lips into a smile.

The sun shines on his gold, and the dazzling light seems to be flowing. The pure elves born in nature are unbelievably beautiful under the sun.

He put down the scroll, got up and walked over.

"Did Igway slept well last night?" A voice as clear as a stream rang out, and the elf king slightly bent his eyes.

The elf sister blinked and rubbed his waist, "Of course it's good to be with my brother."

Gasser paused again.

The tips of the long ears were dyed thin red, but the slender lips of the elf pretty boy were slightly hooked, and the pupils were happy.

"I can be with my brother every day in the future."

He whispered softly, rubbing the girl's light chestnut long hair, "Get up and wash. We can stay in the world for two days, and then go back to the elves with my brother."

Yu Chu nodded.

Seeing her little sister nodding obediently, as if she wasn't very curious about the world, Gasser curled his lips, stared at her for a few seconds, and suddenly leaned down slightly.

The elf boy's rose-colored thin lips lightly imprinted on his sister's face and pecked.

His voice was sweet: "Igway is really obedient."

The girl was startled, looked back at him, raised her hand and touched her face.

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