100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1846 Brother is the Elf King (42)


"Brother kissed me." The girl said softly, hugging the elf boy's waist, raised his face, and put a slobber on the boy's face.

With the chirp, Gasser's beautiful pupil color was a little dull, and he lowered his eyelashes in embarrassment, covering the unnaturalness in his emerald green eyes, and his fair face was blushing. He coughed, but this time he didn't stop it.

Lovers are different from siblings, the Elf King still knows. And he promised to be a lover.

"Okay... don't make trouble, get up." The boy whispered with his eyelashes lowered, reaching out to hug his sister.

Yu Chu obediently nestled in his arms, raised his hand and pinched the elf's long white ears, watching it turn red again.

"You actually took the initiative to kiss me. If I am obedient and don't leave in the future, will my brother kiss me often?" She said with a smile, "I like my brother like this."

The pale cheeks of the Elf King became thinner and redder, and the tips of his ears were hot, "...get up first."

Yu Chu smiled and stopped teasing him.

She got up to wash, yawned sleepily, and let her brother wipe her face.

Gasher's eyes fell on her face.

The younger sister suddenly opened her eyes again, and her emerald eyes looked directly at him. She suddenly raised her hand and brought something to him and handed it to him, "By the way, brother, here it is for you."

Gasser lowered his eyes and saw a bright golden belt, the style and color were very good-looking.

This is a beautiful belt.

But the boy's eyes darkened in an instant.

This belt was bought by my sister and others... as lovers.

This thought was raging in his heart. The young man lowered his eyes and looked at the belt quietly. His long eyelashes covered the emotions in his eyes.

--do not like.

Before the last three words were spoken, the girl blinked her eyes and smiled: "I bought this on purpose and wanted to give it to my brother. It matches my brother's head very well, look."

She held up a strand of gold, "Brother's head is very beautiful, just like the sun."

Gasher looked at the belt.

Is it for him?

The tyrannical mood that had been going on since yesterday has eased a bit at this time. Although the idea of ​​killing still exists, the young man's face softened a lot.

She wanted to buy it for him.

"Give it to brother?" He took the tape, looked down, and frowned slightly.

Yu Chu looked at him with a smile.

The Elf King raised his eyes, "This is a girl's style."

"Yes." Yu Chu could finally come up with a plan that he had been thinking about for a long time, coughed, took the tape, and looked at brother Meiren flatteringly.

"My brother's hair is so beautiful, I really like it. Can I brush my brother's hair?"

She grabbed the Elf King's sleeve, "I only comb today, for girls. Is it okay, brother?"

Gasselmer looked at her silently.

With beautiful eyes, blushing lips, and sun-like gold, Yu Chu felt more and more beautiful the more he looked at it. He held the belt on tiptoes and hugged him, still rubbing his brother's fair profile with his own face as he did when he was a child.

"Brother..." The elf's voice was soft.

Brother Elf pulled her away, looked down at the belt and pursed her lips, "...how could you have such a thought?"

Yu Chu looked at that face speechlessly.

With such beauty, she wants to be ravaged, which is obviously a normal idea.

She lowered her head, "didn't brother agree?"

The tips of the ears drooped slightly.

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