100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1848 Brother is the Elf King (44)


She rushed over with a smile, hugged the waist of the other person wearing a skirt, and rubbed against the neckline—of course, there was no arc on the chest, only a white clavicle was exposed from the neckline, and the delicate lines extended all the way to the shoulders.

Gasser hugged her back, because he was not used to this kind of dress, the elf king's white ears were slightly red, and he lowered his eyelashes and said in a light voice: "How long will it take?"

"Brother, you are so beautiful." The girl held him tightly, raised her head and bit the boy's fair chin, tilted her head and said with a smile, "Let's wear it like this, let's go out for a walk, okay brother?"

The elf king looked down at her quietly.

But the elf sister was not at all cowardly, and she rubbed her neckline and said coquettishly: "Brother, brother, okay?"

So, His Majesty the Elf King, who couldn't resist his sister's coquettish behavior, was finally pulled out of the door.

This time, he didn't cover his face anymore, he only wore a black hood to cover his long ears, but his delicate face was exposed. Almost as soon as he appeared on the street, he immediately attracted countless attention - especially men's.

The gold is pure, the lips are thick and beautiful, the natural life, the pure and dazzling beauty, makes people's eyes unable to move away once they touch it.

Among the elves, the appearance of His Majesty the Elf King is also unique, let alone in human towns.

The gazes from all directions made Gasser frown slightly. But this time, his mood was not as bad as the last time he went out. As long as the people around are not staring at his sister, everything else is easy to say.

Yu Chu suddenly turned his head and asked, "Has my brother ever been drinking? I remember that there was alcohol in the palace."

The other party shook his head slightly, "I have only drank flower dew and honey, wine...I haven't touched it yet."

The girl's eyes lit up instantly.

Lord God pouring a cup... ah no, she still remembers the habit of pouring in one mouthful.

Fragments are the same.

To abduct the beautiful brother, drinking is essential.

She smiled and pointed to the tavern next to her, and said with a smile, "Would you like to try it?"

The young man looked up.

Then he nodded without emotion.

Yu Chu took him into the tavern.

After opening the door, it was a little dark inside, and a small window opened above the head, revealing bright light, and you could vaguely see the dust swirling and rising in the air. Noisy inside. There are such taverns all over town.

When the two walked to the bar, the bartender glanced up and became sluggish, staring at the two of them speechless.

Yu Chu raised his hand and shook it, "Two glasses of wine."

After a pause, she glanced at her brother quietly, and added, "The one with medium intensity."

I doubt that if I drink the high-strength wine directly, the beautiful brother will fall down in one gulp.

"Ah, good, good." The bartender stammered, took out the wine from the wine cabinet and poured it.

"You two please."

Yu Chu reached out and took the wine glass, handed it to the beautiful boy, and the two sat down in a small corner.

"Brother, try it?" the girl laughed.

Gasher took the glass. The taste of this wine is not strong, he frowned and took a sip.

The girl watched his reaction carefully.

The elf boy lowered his head, his golden braid hung out of his hood, and his long eyelashes covered the bottom of his emerald green eyes.

After a while, he raised his eyes.

The emerald green eyes were still pure and clear. He looked at the girl in front of him, suddenly stretched out his hand, and squeezed her face lightly, "Aegway."

Different from the previous voice, there is a vague softness.

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