100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1849 Brother is the Elf King (45)


"Huh?" Yu Chu looked at him with wide eyes, and approached in surprise and asked, "Is brother drunk?"

"No." The other party answered her in a low voice, looking down at the wine glass in front of him, "I only took a sip."


Yu Chu was a little bewildered. Aren't all the pieces drunk in one gulp? This man's thinking is still very clear.

She was lying on the table, looking at the extreme beauty under the hood of the young man, "Then you drink a little more?"

The boy glanced at her.

The next second, he, like her, was lying on the table with his arms folded. With a white chin resting on his arm, the boy lowered his eyelashes, and muttered in a low voice, "Igway is not a good sister, I have always wanted to leave my brother."

Sounds like a bit of a prank.

Yu Chu was stunned, and carefully observed the other party.

His Majesty the Elf King was like a child at this time, lying in his arms and muttering softly, "When you were a child, it was your elder brother who took care of you, but when you grow up, you don't need your elder brother..."

He has always been indifferent, and Yu Chu blinked in novelty with his sudden cuteness, but he was speechless again.

This...is she talking about? When did she lose her brother? Obviously, I can't wait to deal with him immediately.

She stretched out her hand to lift the boy's chin, and those emerald green eyes lifted up, looking at her innocently.

"What are you doing?" The elf boy's tone was not very good, and he patted her hand away fiercely. "My brother is going out with you in women's clothing, so can't you be more obedient?"

When his hands were clapped, Yu Chu couldn't help laughing, and asked him in a low voice, "What did my brother want me to do?"

The young boy's beautiful pupils reflected his younger sister's figure. He raised his hand and hooked her fingertips, "You, never leave your brother... Can you do it?"

The powerful and beautiful Elf King, for the first time, spoke in an uncertain and sensitive tone.

Yu Chu held his snow-white fingertips instead, "Well, I like my brother, and I have always been with him."

The Elf King tilted his head, the braid hung down on the side of his neck, and his beautiful eyes curved happily.

At this moment, a rough voice came from the side. The person placed a glass of wine on the table and said in a loud voice, "Would the two young ladies mind drinking more than one person? How lonely there are only two of them."

Yu Chu raised his head and saw a big bearded man with hard muscles on his chest.

At this moment, this man was looking at the young elf king with a smile on his face, and his eyes greedily swept over that face.

The other party lowered his eyes and did not listen.

However, this kind of little beauty doesn't have to say anything or do anything at all.

Those golden braids are like sunshine, the lips are beautiful and bright red, and the lashes are curled and long.

What else to drink?

This little beauty should be well loved.

He laughed and said, "I see the two young ladies looking good, but they came from out of town? I am very familiar with this area, and you can come to me if you need anything."

As he said that, a greedy light flashed in his eyes, and he directly reached out and touched the beauty's face.

The other party raised his eyelashes, glanced at him expressionlessly, picked up the wine glass, directly pressed his hand down with the wine glass, and pressed it on the table.

The big man's cold sweat broke out instantly.

The little beauty held the wine glass and pressed the bottom of the glass on his wrist. The other party seemed to have no strength, but his arm was completely unable to move.

The big man's eyes finally became suspicious.

"Little beauty, what are you doing?" he laughed.

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