100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1856 Brother is the Elf King (52)


"Senene said that there is a reception banquet for us at night. You stay here and wait for me to come back." The Elf King's voice was light, and he looked down at the girl in front of him.

"Well." Yu Chu nodded.

So Gasher smiled slightly, then turned and walked towards the main hall. The corners of his clothes were gorgeous, lining the slender figure of the young man, and the golden length was like an ethereal god.

A mighty and cold emperor.

Yu Chu looked at his back from a distance.

The bedroom was quiet.

She sat bored on the wicker chair. There was a sudden knock outside the window, revealing the face of an elf girl.

The other party gave her a bright smile.

Yu Chu raised his head, walked over curiously, opened the window and looked at her: "Who are you?"

"His Royal Highness, my name is Elina," the girl said in a friendly manner. "I am a female archer of the Guards. I heard that you and Your Majesty are back, so I came here to see you. Would you like to go with us? Going around in the forest? The banquet doesn't start until evening."

Yu Chu thought for a while and nodded.

She walked out of the room, and Elina whispered to her enviously, "Your Majesty is so kind to you."

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows, "Brother has always been gentle, and he treats the people the same way. Isn't it?"

Elina stuck out her tongue, "Of course His Majesty is a good king, but no one in the elves dares to disrespect His Majesty. We all dare not look into His Majesty's eyes."

Yu Chu was a little curious: "Why?"

"Those eyes are so beautiful, and His Majesty is so high... Looking at him, I am very afraid." Elina said in awe, and looked at the girl with admiration.

"That's why we worship you. It's incredible that you can be so close to His Majesty."

Yu Chu pursed his lips and smiled.

She soon saw Elina's companions, and they all mounted on horses and carried the elf's longbow.

"You can hunt outside the forest." Elina explained, "Has Her Royal Highness the Princess ever used a longbow?"

"I can use it." Yu Chu nodded.

"His Royal Highness, you and your majesty went to the human world, is it fun?" Elina asked.

Yu Chu didn't dare to say that she asked the great and noble elf king to dress up and change into women's clothes...

No one believed it.

She shrugged and said, "It's fun, but after a while, I'm tired of it. My brother's appearance is troublesome in the human world, so we're back."

"Ah..." Elina and her companions immediately nodded understandingly, "Of course, His Majesty is also the most beautiful in the elves. The entire film is the only one, let alone in the human world."

Yu Chu nodded in agreement.

This hunting was very enjoyable, and in a blink of an eye, it was time for the dinner party, and the group rode back on horseback.

They naturally have no ability to tame unicorns. In the whole world, only the king of the elves can turn this sacred and noble animal into a docile pony.

in the palace.

Gasser raised his forehead slightly, and looked indifferently at the servant walking around, holding a fruity wine, and a lot of flowers were arranged at the banquet.

Some people kept secretly looking at the noble king.

The young man propped his forehead and sat on the huge throne with his eyes lowered. The gold under the crystal crown hung down, his profile was as cold as the moonlight tonight, with a purity that was not stained by the world.

The guard on the side was a little bit broken.

Oh my god... where did the little princess go? Why haven't you come back. If it goes on like this, standing next to His Majesty will almost freeze to death...

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