100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1857 Brother is the Elf King (53)


Elina accompanied the little princess back to the palace, and the closer she got to the banquet, the more she pursed her lips in fear, and said at a loss, "God, I actually dragged the princess' palace down to the forest to hunt... and you It's too late to come back, will His Majesty kill me..."

She was very happy when she played in the afternoon, but when she came back, she remembered her actions today and wanted to slap herself. Knowing that the little princess is on the apex of His Majesty's heart, he approached her out of curiosity.

And brought the little princess out.

And they came back late for the banquet...

It's really scary the more I think about it.

The companions next to him also bowed their heads in silence.

Yu Chu said with a funny smile: "Mei... How can my brother be so scary? You won't be treated like that."

However, this statement did not comfort Elina at all.

The banquet was going on, the scene seemed grand and harmonious, but strangely there was almost no sound.

On the huge throne, the young man raised his eyelashes silently, the corners of his snow-white clothes drooped down, creating a beautiful scenery with Jin, but his expression was indifferent.

Alina and her partner stopped almost immediately and did not dare to move forward.

Yu Chu glanced at them, stopped, and raised his eyebrows, "What's the matter, can't you go over?"

Several people hurriedly shook their heads, "No... we still can't go there. Your Highness, please go."

Finally seeing the figure of Her Royal Highness appear, the guard beside the young man also breathed a sigh of relief.

His Majesty was in a good mood this afternoon, but when he arrived at the banquet, he kept silent and quietly stared at the banquet hall, which was obviously a sign of a bad mood.

The reason is, of course, the little princess.

Those people were so bold that they dared to kidnap the little princess whom His Majesty loved most.

Seeing Her Royal Highness come forward, the guard bowed respectfully and said, "Your Highness."

The girl hummed and waved at him.

The guards bowed and backed away.

The elf king raised his eyes and glanced at her, the corner of his clothes lifted up, and he vacated his side, "Sit down."

Yu Chu raised the corner of his skirt and stepped forward, picked up Jin of the Elf King, and asked with a smile, "Brother, when are you going to announce the new identities of the two of us?"

Gasser turned his eyes to the side, and there was a hint of surprise and confusion in the pure emerald eyes.

Obviously, the beautiful brother did not know the necessity of revealing the identity of the lover.

After all, the elves don't pay much attention to this.

Yu Chu smiled and said slowly: "It's fine if you don't announce it, but maybe some elves will like me in the future? What should I do if you confess to me..."

Before he finished speaking, a fair and beautiful hand was placed on his shoulder, and the other party's emerald eyes were slightly curved.


Yu Chu inexplicably had a bad premonition.

But His Majesty the Elf King didn't care about this joke, he just asked lightly, "Why did you go out today?"

The girl touched her nose, "I just went out to play for a while, and didn't I come back in time?"

Gasher didn't answer.

Yu Chu leaned over and showed a clear smile, "Does my brother miss me for a moment when he can't see me?"

The other party still did not speak.

Although the tips of the elf's ears showed a little redness, the young man's delicate face was slightly calm.

Perhaps it was the relationship between the light and the shadow, and those eyes were also half-hidden in the darkness, a bit deep and obscure.

At the end of the banquet, Yu Chu yawned.

The Elf King showed no expression, stood up in the eyes of everyone's awe and admiration, "Go back."

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