100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1871 Straightening the mixed-race student (7)


Xunzhou looked at her.

The girl was still not angry, she just looked down at her watch and nodded: "Yes."

She leaned over and picked up her bag on the sand, without looking at him again, and walked towards the entrance.

With the slight sound of opening and closing the door, the huge villa emptied and returned to silence.

The boy walked back to his room needlessly.

Yu Chu walked out of the villa, went back to the school and walked to the dormitory, put down his bag and stretched.

The roommate asked, "Where have you been? I didn't come back for lunch. I won't make a boyfriend..."

The girl smiled helplessly, "No, it's my mother who helped me find a part-time job, I'll try to have a look."

"Oh, part-time job." The roommates immediately complained about the topic together, "I also want to find a part-time job, but there's nothing decent near the school... I searched for information on the Internet, but there aren't many suitable ones."

"By the way, Xiao Chu, what is your part-time job?"

Yu Chu answered casually while ordering takeaway for himself, "Make up lessons for a high school kid."

"High school, male or female?"


As soon as these two words came out, the roommates were all excited and rushed over to hug her and gossip, "How about the little boy, is he handsome or not? Is he milky?"

"Uh..." Yu Chu paused while ordering takeout, pursed his lips and said, "He's a mixed race. His mother said he was worried that his Chinese was not good, so he asked someone to teach him Chinese."

However, almost no one listened to the latter sentence.

Because after she uttered the word "mixed-blood", the roommates screamed.

"Really! I heard that mixed races are generally handsome, Xiao Chu! Do you have any photos to see?"

Yu Chu shook his head, "No, I'm not familiar with it yet."

"Okay, our little Chu, the peach blossoms can't stop it. A mixed-race high school student sounds handsome, no matter whether he is milk or not, anyway, he is younger than Chu Chu, not a little milk dog or a little wolf dog, no difference..."

"That is to say, wow, Xiao Chu, when you are familiar with it, bring it to the school for us to meet."

Yu Chu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. After thinking about it, he still explained, "Okay, I'm only in high school, and I'm here to make up the class, so don't talk nonsense."

The roommates just gossip, and they stop teasing when they hear the words, and just laugh at random and then disperse.

Yu Chu recalled today's meeting, shook his head and smiled slightly, then put the matter behind him.

Later, the original mother called and asked about the make-up class.

"Little Chu, how is it, can I study?"

Yu Chu thought about it, saved the process, and said with a smile: "Well, I think I can continue."

"That's good, that's good. Originally, I heard from your aunt that her child is not easy to discipline. I thought that you are a quiet character. If there is a conflict, it will be broken. It is better not to teach. But you say this. , I'm relieved." The original mother smiled slightly when she heard the words.

Yu Chu nodded, "Well, don't worry."

Inside the dark and empty villa.

Xun Mu got out of the car, slammed the door closed, and looked up at his house.

There was no light inside, it was pitch black.

She stood by the car and sighed, then took out the door key, stepped up the steps and opened the door.

Xunmu stood in front of the door and turned on the light, and the entire gorgeous and huge living room appeared in front of him.

Surprisingly, there was no trace of broken glass on the ground, as if it had been carefully cleaned.

The woman was stunned for a moment, and then became suspicious.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: There will be chapter 4o later. There will be another 10 chapters in the evening. There are a total of 50 chapters today~ The future updates will still be at 9 o'clock every night, so there is no need to wait for the early morning.

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