100 Ways to Get the Male God

1872. Chapter 1872 Straightening the mixed-race student (8)


She walked into the kitchen and happened to see a bowl of noodles in the trash can, together with the tableware and chopsticks, as if someone had casually thrown the whole thing into it.

Who has been here.

After all, her son can't cook either.

After thinking about it for a while, her mother went upstairs and stood in front of her son's door for a while before knocking on the door with a sullen face.

After a long while, the inside was opened, revealing a beautiful and cute face, but with a cold expression.

The boy's deep blue pupils reflected the light, showing a hint of impatience. The pale crimson lips were slightly raised, but the arc was not friendly, instead it was strangely lazy and vicious.

The black pieces are messy, and a few strands of dead hair are standing on the top of the head at will, which looks even more cute.

However, such a cute boy raised his eyebrows and said coldly, "Why are you knocking on my door?"

When I heard his tone, I was angry.

But she didn't want to quarrel, so she held back her displeasure and asked him, "Who cleans up the living room? I saw there was a bowl of rice in the trash can in the kitchen. Who made it?"

The young man narrowed his eyes and tilted his head.

The skin exposed at the neckline was fair and smooth. He leaned against the door frame with a mocking expression: "You bought it to monitor me, the tutor."

Mother Xun was stunned for a moment, "Xiao Chu has come?"

She frowned tightly, "They cleaned up the living room and made you a bowl of noodles? Then you..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the other party. The teenager evoked a beautiful smile, "I threw that bowl of rice into the trash can, didn't you see it? I even told her to get out."

Xun Mother gritted her teeth, angry and helpless, "Can you child understand something? That's the tutoring teacher hired by my mother. How can you treat others like this?"

The young man raised his hand thoughtfully, his white fingertips rubbed his lips, and the pale crimson lips looked very attractive. He raised his eyebrows and said in a lazy tone: "Oh...why can't you treat her like this? You are not You know, I don't like women. If you find me a male teacher, I might be more interested."

Hearing this, Mother Xun felt as if she had been hit against the scales, and was furious, "What are you talking about!"

The young man raised his eyebrows slightly, leaning against the door frame without opening his mouth.

Mother Xun glared at him, too lazy to speak, took out her mobile phone, and dialed the little teacher.

Xunzhou watched her movements, but he didn't close the door and went back to the room, instead he leaned against the door frame and waited lazily.

Yu Chu is still talking to his original mother here.

The mother and daughter were chatting on the phone, and suddenly a call alert came in. Yu Chu took off his phone and glanced at the parent's number that he called that day.

She casually said a few words to her original mother, hung up the phone here, and then connected to the number.

"Hello?" said a calm and gentle female voice.

The mother-seeking was on hands-free, the voice clearly entered the boy's ears, and he raised his curled eyelashes.

Yu Chu held the phone, and an apologetic female voice came from the other end: "I'm sorry, Mr. Chu, our A Xun is ignorant and caused you trouble."

The boy lowered his eyelashes.

The voice on the speakerphone was still soft and gentle, "It's okay, he's fine."

The young man sneered slightly, his delicate and lovely eyebrows smiling like a mockery.

Mother Xun glared at him and apologized, "Look at Xiao Chu, do you still have time to come next week?"

There was a pause.

Xunzhou stared at the milk jug on the counter.

Finally, the girl said, "Well, I'm free."

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