100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1873 Straightening the mixed-race student (9)


Of course free.

She had to go and see her cub.

Hearing that she could continue to come, Mother Xun seemed very happy, and quickly said: "Okay, okay. Then we'll see you next week, I'm really sorry this time..."

The girl said calmly and politely, "It's okay."

Xun mother glanced at the teenager next to her, "Mr. Xiao Chu, thank you for helping to clean up the house today, A Xun is ignorant, I will ask him to apologize to you..."

Yu Chu was startled, just about to say no, but the next second he heard the voice over there, the young man's lazy and sweet voice, and said impatiently, "I'm sick."

Then there was a slam of the door.

She pursed her lower lip and heard the embarrassed tone of Duan Xun's mother, "I'm sorry, Miss Chu..."

Yu Chu smiled and said, "It's okay. See you next week. I'll be there on time."

"Okay." Mother Xun seemed to sigh in annoyance, but politely agreed with a smile.

Yu Chu expressed his understanding.

With such a bear child at home, all the parents must sigh.

And that guy...

Although her voice was lazy and low, she felt like a milk cat when she recalled the breath around her.

Even with his minions on, he's still very milky and has no lethal power... It only made her feel slightly amused.

After hanging up, Yu Chu continued to do his weekend homework.

Time in college always goes by quickly.

Blink of an eye to the next weekend.

Yu Chu was more familiar with the way she went this time. She walked into the community and found the villa. She stood on the steps, thought about it, and called Xun Mu first.

The call was connected quickly.

"Hey... Well, I'm Xiao Chu. Auntie, I've arrived at your door. Are you at home?"

Mother Xun smiled and said, "I'm not here now, but there is someone at home. Just knock on the door, Xiao Chu."

Yu Chu agreed, hung up the phone, reached out and knocked on the door, patiently waiting for the owner of the house to open the door.

It was the housekeeper who came to open the door.

Last time, the nanny came home for vacation, so the mother came to take care of the son in person, but because of some unhappy things, the relationship between the mother and son became worse.

The nanny was an old lady in her fifties. When she saw Yu Chu, she smiled and welcomed her in, "Is it the teacher who came to tutor? The child is upstairs."

As she spoke, she raised her head and shouted, "A-Xun-A-Xun! The teacher is here, come down and see you soon."

After speaking, the old lady turned her head again, sighed, and whispered to Yu Chu, "This child is fine in everything, but his temper is a little weird, teacher, you should take care of me. This child has been my nanny for more than ten years, and he is actually very sensible and very sensible. Smart, just don't like to communicate with people."

Yu Chu nodded to indicate that he understood.

The old lady sighed with relief, "Then I'll cut a watermelon for you, and Axun will be here right away."

Yu Chu smiled politely, and after being pressed down on the sand, her eyes stopped on the low glass table.

The old lady walked away.

Yu Chu stared at the glass table in a trance. There was a sugar bowl on it, and it was actually a cat pattern on it.

This should also be Xunzhou's thing.

He is really a milky little boy. He likes things like girls, all of which are soft and cute.

She looked back and sat down.

After a while, I heard footsteps coming downstairs.

The teenager was wearing white casual clothes, and the sun was shining brightly on the snow-white coat.

There was also a red rope tied around the fair-skinned wrist.

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows slightly.

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