100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1876 Straightening the mixed-race student (12)


The aroma of popcorn wafted into the air.

The children were laughing loudly, clowns and dolls holding balloons, colorful balloons, and soap bubbles blown from the corner...

Not far away is an amusement park.

Xunzhou finally felt that something was wrong, he turned his head to look at the girl, "Buying books here?"

Yu Chu glanced at him and said nothing.

This plane doesn't seem to be easy to navigate, so she naturally needs to spend more effort. This guy likes cute and soft things. She deliberately used the system to investigate. According to the data search, the place he most wants to come is here.

This guy - likes candy, doesn't like pets but likes cat patterns, likes stuffed stuff, and likes going to the playground. A real kid.

However, because he has always been relatively withdrawn, he doesn't want to come to the playground by himself, so every time he watches from a distance, he never goes in.

This is of course an opportunity to brush up on goodwill.

Yu Chu didn't answer his question, he just bought a marshmallow from the marshmallow stand next to him.

White fluffy marshmallows that look soft and sweet. Xunzhou frowned and looked at the girl's movements, but she didn't expect that after she took the candy, she handed it over.

"Here you are." Yu Chu said.

The boy's blue eyes widened for a moment, and his expression was slightly stiff and strange. He stepped back cautiously and looked at the marshmallow. "For me?"

Yu Chu nodded, "You take it first."

She said, raising her fingers so that they wouldn't touch him when he took it.

She also remembered his habit of being reluctant to interact with people.

Xunzhou was silent for a few seconds, then his beautifully shaped eyes lifted slightly and took it without a word.

The sweet scent surged up, the boy curled his thick eyelashes down, and the pale lips bit a marshmallow, and the fluttering eyelashes rested like butterfly wings.

The beauty of mixed-race children always easily becomes the focus in the crowd.

There were always people around who looked at the young man.

Yu Chu didn't pay attention to those. She looked down at her watch and said, "Let's go in and play once, and then you can go anywhere you want, I won't care about you."

The young man raised his beautiful eyes, slightly curled his black and white baby face, looking delicate and cute.

He glanced at the interior of the playground, then pursed his lips and asked, "Are you serious? Leave me alone after that?"

The girl nodded.

"Deal. Let's go in." Xunzhou bit the marshmallow and walked towards the playground.

Yu Chu reluctantly followed behind him.

The boy suddenly turned his head and glanced at her, "Why did you come here all of a sudden, didn't you say you want to buy a book?"

Yu Chuxin said nonsense: "Today is my birthday, I didn't want to miss it, but ... you don't want to make up lessons with me anyway, why don't you come to the playground with me."

Xunzhou has no doubts about this statement.

He didn't ask any further, holding the snow-white cotton candy in his hand, obediently waiting for the girl to buy the ticket.

After entering the playground, the teenager stood in place and looked left and right, feeling a little helpless.

Seeing him staring at the surfing project, Yu Chu smiled and asked, "Let's play that?"

The boy immediately shook his head, hesitated for a moment, and then looked at the roller coaster and the landing at a high place.

Yu Chu raised his eyebrows, "Then play these two?"

The other party immediately shook his head again.

He stood in front of the street sign, held the marshmallow and looked at it for a while, and finally hesitantly pointed to a place.


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