100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1877 Straightening the mixed-race student (13)


Yu Chu sat on the merry-go-round, expressionless.

Who would have thought that the rebellious and bad milk-flavored teenager finally chose this project.

She changed into a comfortable sitting position, leaned against the railing of the merry-go-round, and looked at the teenager beside her.

He was holding marshmallows in his hand, and his deep blue eyes were curved into crescents, looking extraordinarily soft and cute.

Yu Chu also smiled.

Xunzhou looked back at her, just in time to meet the other's eyes. He was stunned for a moment, his smile narrowed slightly, and then looked away, looking down at the marshmallow in his hand, his curled eyelashes drooping slightly.

Yu Chu felt that this strategy was quite successful, and now this person should be less hostile to himself.

So she tentatively asked: "Forget it this time, next time I go to your house, can I take a good tuition?"

The boy raised his eyelashes and looked at her.

Yu Chu shrugged, "I've already taken the money, so I can't help but work. If you don't want to study, I'll find an opportunity to tell your mother in the future and find someone else to replace me. But before I change, can you give me some face?"

The boy lowered his eyelashes for a while, lowered his eyes and bit the marshmallow, but did not speak immediately.

If you don't reject it, you have the possibility of accepting it.

Yu Chu spread his hands and said with a smile: "Every time we finish the make-up lessons early, I won't care about you the rest of the time. It's good for each of us. What do you think?"

Xunzhou finally glanced at her lazily, her lips curled slightly, and she sneered, but instead of saying no, she said, "Yes, yes."

He paused, "But if you want me to make up the class, you have to remember two things first... You can't touch me, and you can't mess with the things in my room."

The girl nodded, "No problem."

Xunzhou took a bite of the marshmallow again. The young man's white tender cheeks bulged, and his fair and slender fingers made Yu Chu inexplicably think of a cat's claws.

The two played several small projects one after another, and when they left the playground, Xunzhou seemed to be in a good mood.

After that, he refused to take the bus. The two took a taxi back and sat side by side in the back seat.

Yu Chu consciously moved towards the window.

Xunzhou didn't seem to pay attention to her movements.

With his elbows on the car window, he looked out of the car with his fair little face on, and light and shadow flickered on his beautiful face.

Yu Chu didn't speak.

She felt a little bored, so she took out her mobile phone and played games for a while. After ten minutes, the car stopped at the gate of the garden community, and the driver said, "It's here."

The teenager pushed open the car door and stepped out of the car with his long legs, but Yu Chu sat in the car and didn't move.

Xunzhou looked back at her, frowned slightly, and was about to ask her why she didn't get out of the car, but when she saw that the girl didn't lift her head, she continued to play games and instructed in a low voice, "Master, then go to the east gate of Jingda University. ."

She is not going to get out of the car.

The teenager in front of the car door paused, only to realize that she had deliberately sent herself back.

He didn't say anything. Under the thick lashes, the blue eyes were deep, and he slammed the car door and turned away.

The taxi behind him drove away slowly.

Then suddenly stopped.

Xunzhou took a few steps and suddenly heard someone calling his name behind him. He turned his head and saw the girl got out of the car and ran towards him, holding up the phone in her hand.

"Leave me a call? I'll let you know in advance when I come over next time."

The young man looked down at her with his slender height.

Yu Chu shook the phone in his hand and smiled.

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