100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1884 Straightening the mixed-race student (20)


It was quiet outside the room.

There were no footsteps.

He lowered his eyelashes and waited for a while, raised his hand, and pulled out the last exercise book from the bookshelf.

The clock was still ticking.

Xunzhou glanced at the pointer again.

Suddenly there was the sound of cars passing by outside the window, as if some car drove into the courtyard.

The young man raised his eyes, his deep and beautiful pupils flashed a faint light, he got up from the desk, walked to the window and opened the curtains to look.

It's the mother's car.

The boy's originally bright eyes darkened silently again. He stood there silently and quietly, and after a while, he dropped the curtains and returned to the desk.

He glanced at the clock.

Fifteen minutes have passed.

Xunzhou frowned slightly, and the situation of that day appeared in his mind. He didn't do it on purpose that day...

Without taking into account her strength, she did not notice the muffled sound of her elbow hitting the table.

The bruising seems to be serious.

And it rained that day, is it possible that she really didn't get in the car in time to avoid the rain.

Or because of...

The boy lowered his eyelashes silently, recalling his own voice, "Go away."

He suddenly stopped breathing, and after a while, he slowly pursed his lips again and looked at the sunny sky outside the window.

White and beautiful fingers, shiny like milk, lightly rubbed the edge of the mobile phone on the table.

Time ticked by another five minutes.

Xun Zhou suddenly frowned very irritably, threw away the exercise book in his hand, took out a packet of potato chips and tore it open, but after biting a few pieces, he felt irritated, so he simply kicked the chair away with a cold face. go out.

The mother and the old nanny are in the living room.

Seeing him, Mother Xun's brows eased slightly.

I heard that my son was willing to accept the teacher she was looking for last time. He is willing to be obedient, which should mean that his son is showing signs of softening his attitude.

So the mother opened her mouth, wanting to say something.

However, before her friendly words could be spoken, the beautiful and fair young man glanced at her, but immediately frowned and said in a harsh tone, "What are you doing here?"

Seeking Mother: "..."

She retracted the suspicion that her son's attitude softened.

She froze, "Why can't I come back?"

Xunzhou didn't speak any more, he walked to the refrigerator in the kitchen and took out a can of cold drinks.

Mother Xun glanced at him: "Drink less. The rain just stopped after a few days, and a lot of people are sick these days. You don't drink so cold these days..."

Xunzhou's movements suddenly stopped.

Butterfly-like eyelashes trembled slightly, he pursed his pale lips, "Are you sick a lot?"

The mother-seeker didn't know how her son caught this point, but the other party was willing to talk to her, which was quite comforting to her. She nodded and softened her tone, "There were quite a few people who caught a cold a few days ago."

Xunzhou remained silent and opened the jar.

Mother Xun urged again, "So you drink less."

The boy who had been calm just now suddenly curled his lips into a sneer at this moment. On that beautiful baby face, under the curled eyelashes revealed cold blue pupils.

"It's none of your business, it's none of your business if I die." The boy's lazy voice fell, then he stretched his long legs and walked upstairs.

Mother Xun was stunned for a moment, and then she was so angry that she was speechless.

Why has his attitude changed so much today?

Xunzhou returned to the upstairs room, closed the door, leaned back against the door lightly, and took a sip of the cold drink in his hand.

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