100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1885 Straighten the mixed-race student (21)


The icy cold drink slid down his throat, and the boy's deep eyes, hidden behind his slightly curled eyelashes, were vaguely obscure. He lowered his head, and the cans were cold in his hands, which made people feel more irritable.

After a long time, he bowed his head, put the can on the table, and gently picked up the phone.

The white fingertips slid to a number, he pursed his lips and pressed it down very lightly.


The wait was very short, but it felt very long. After a few seconds, the connection was over there, and there was a confused female voice, as if she had just woken up: "Hello?"

The boy stood up straight all of a sudden.

"What are you doing?" he whispered.

"Huh?" The other side was stunned for a while before answering inexplicably, "I'm sleeping."

Her tone sounded the same, the same calm as before, without anger.

The boy's straight back relaxed slightly.

He hummed, then fell silent for a while.

Yu Chu held the phone in one hand and yawned slightly, "What's the matter, what's the matter with you?"

Xunzhou frowned slightly.

He glanced at the clock on the desk, was silent for a long time, and then whispered, "Why are you sleeping? Did you forget... Today is the weekend."

At the end of the sentence, the boy's voice was soft.

He lowered his eyes, his eyelashes covered half of his eyes, and his fingertips unconsciously rubbed the edges and corners of the desk. At this time, his quiet attitude was like a well-behaved child. The white fingers holding the phone also tightened slightly.

Eyelashes flickering, soft and cute.

Yu Chu was startled. What happened to the weekend? Make up lessons? But she has already taken leave with her mother.

She hummed, "I know, today is the weekend... is there any problem?"

Xunzhou frowned and pursed her pale lips.

The boy's lips are light in color, but they look very soft. The two thin lips are lustrous and pale, with a feeling of childishness, and the pursed lines are tender.

In the past, there was a demonic vileness in his milky beauty.

This time, surprisingly not. The young man's attitude was not impatient, but rather silent.

Yu Chu waited for a while, didn't hear him answer again, only heard the sound of shallow breathing. She seemed to be able to imagine the cat-like boy on the other end of the phone, pursing his lips and looking tangled and quiet.

Alas, still a child.

And last time, he really shouldn't have touched his things. That's a picture of the guy he likes...

Forget it, what to do with him.

Yu Chu rubbed his temples, suppressed the slight discomfort in his heart, and said in a calm voice, "I got sick in the rain last time, so I won't go to make-up classes this time. I have already asked your mother for a good vacation."

Xunzhou blinked.

Hearing the explanation, the young man let out a slight sigh, and stroked his fingertips on the table unconsciously.

"Okay." The girl answered and asked calmly, "Is there anything else?"

Xunzhou was slightly startled.

Because his appearance is so beautiful, there will always be many people around him, whether abroad or at home.

When he was studying abroad, the girls would call him to ask about things, but they would not hang up.

But this tutor is different.

When he had a bad attitude, she was just as warm and peaceful. He made a phone call now, but she was still calm and calm.

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