100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1891 Straightening the mixed-race student (27)


Well, as long as he is willing to accept himself, the next thing will be easier to talk about.

She asked, "Do you want your mother to understand?"

The young man sitting opposite lowered his eyes, and the sunlight shone on his slender eyelashes, revealing an almost gentle shadow, covering the cold and malicious emotion in his pupils.

"I don't need her to understand." The sweet voice was very indifferent, "I'm like this anyway."

This look was cold and cute, Yu Chu couldn't help but smiled slightly, and reached out to rub the boy's slightly curly blackness.

After reaching out, both of them were startled.

Yu Chu's action was purely subconscious, she immediately realized that she shouldn't be doing this, so she withdrew her hand.

The boy whose head was rubbed was also slightly stiff, his beautiful and deep eyes glanced at her, and then lowered his head quickly.

He wasn't angry at this move, Yu Chu breathed a sigh of relief and said softly, "Then have you thought about the future? Do you want to marry a boy?"

Xunzhou's gaze moved back.

His gaze stopped on the girl's face, he moved away after a pause, and whispered, "How could I have thought so far."

Yu Chu blinked.

Yes, he is only a high school student now.

"But always think about it in advance, so that you can be prepared in the future." Yu Chu smiled slightly and asked him casually, "Have you talked to boys before?"

The boy naturally did not hear the temptation.

When he mentioned this, he frowned slightly, but there was a hint of stiffness and disgust between his eyebrows, and replied in a low voice, "No. I don't like to meet others."

Yu Chu was slightly taken aback.

This little milk cat lowered its head and answered questions obediently, but it seemed inexplicably pitiful.

She thought about it, took out the marshmallow she brought from her schoolbag, and handed him one.

The boy's eyes lit up slightly, he glanced up at her, and then stretched out his paws to take the marshmallow.

Yu Chu continued to test: "You have never been in a relationship with a boy, how do you know that you are gay? Have you ever liked a boy..."

Xunzhou was putting the candy between his lips, but when he heard this question, he stiffened again, his beautiful eyes slowly glanced at the girl, and then he turned his face, and said in a flat voice: "...This has nothing to do with you. ."


Hearing this answer, Yu Chu was heartbroken.

It looks like he really liked it!

It can make the Lord God Fragment take a fancy to, how good this person is in the small plane. At least she has experienced so many planes, and she has never seen Fragment fall in love with others.

She felt a little heavy for a while, but she still held back her emotions and sighed: "Well, it has nothing to do with me."

The young man ate candy with his white and tender cheeks puffed up. Hearing this, he glanced at her and pursed his lips.

His fingertips shrank a little helplessly, and finally lowered his eyelashes in silence.

"Then let's go to tutoring?" Yu Chu flipped through the book.

Xunzhou lay on the side hesitantly, and suddenly raised his eyes cautiously, "Don't you feel sick?"

The girl flips the book's hand with a meal.

She turned her face and looked at him flatly.

In that peaceful gaze, the young man suddenly became a little flustered, turned his face and asked in a low voice, "Don't you think it's abnormal and disgusting?"

Yu Chu put his hand on his finger again, this time the other party didn't shrink back, instead he looked down at the two overlapping hands, his white face looked very well-behaved.

"Why do you ask that. Who told you that it was disgusting?" Yu Chu asked tentatively.

Wouldn't it be said by the boy he liked?

An indistinct anger slid across the girl's eyes.

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