100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1892 Straightening the mixed-race student (28)


To say it's disgusting is too much.

Her little fragment, which plane is not spoiled like a princess. Even if the other party doesn't accept him, he can't say that this kind of feeling is disgusting.

Yu Chu fell silent.

Xunzhou was also quiet for a while, before turning his face and muttering in a low voice: "Everyone is like this... After knowing that they are gay, don't they all talk behind their backs?"

Yu Chu was slightly startled.

It turned out not to be aimed at a certain person, but the feeling that the whole surrounding environment brought him.

She smiled, "People in the world are like that. If they are the majority, they will treat the minority differently. You don't care about them. If you want to be understood, you should find your own kind."

The young man was visibly stunned.

His white fingers were covered by the girl, and his fingertips couldn't help but move slightly in her palm. The boy's voice was a little hoarse, but he didn't ask the same kind of question unexpectedly. Instead, he just looked at her and asked her the first half of the sentence. Content: "Then do you feel the same way?"

The girl shook her head slightly, smiled and said, "I'm different from them, I'll understand whatever you do."

Xunzhou suddenly opened his eyes.

This sentence sounded too warm, and even made him feel a little tender and ambiguous.

The fingertips held by her also seemed to be burning, and he suddenly retracted his hand and stepped back.

This action was a bit sudden, as if he hated contact, Yu Chu couldn't help but stunned.

The next second the boy retracted, he clearly realized that the action was unfriendly. He opened his lips lightly, and before he said anything, he saw the girl retract her hand naturally and put it on the desk.

"Let's start class?" She said calmly.

"...Oh." The little milk cat lowered her head and glanced at her fingers with deep blue pupils.

It's already afternoon after making up the class.

This afternoon, the boy was surprisingly obedient and obedient, with almost no rejection or disgust.

After successfully finishing today's class, Yu Chu packed his schoolbag and prepared to go downstairs. The boy opened his lips behind him, and finally followed her with his head down.

Going downstairs, Yu Chu looked at the still empty villa and raised his eyebrows, "Is there no one in your house?"

Xunzhou leaned against the wall and lowered his eyes, "No."

"Then what do you eat?" the girl asked again.

On the beautiful and lovely face of the other party, he said casually: "Whatever, just don't starve to death."

Yu Chu was helpless.

She put her schoolbag on the sand, sighed and smiled, "Can I make you a meal?"

Xunzhou didn't expect that she would even mention cooking. He was slightly startled, then immediately stood up straight, his back was a little tight, "You... are you going to do it?"

Last time, he threw the whole bowl of noodles.

But the girl looked like she didn't care about what happened last time. She even acted as if she didn't remember the unpleasantness at all, and walked to the kitchen calmly.

Xunzhou stood in the living room and hesitated for a while, then followed, lowered his slender eyelashes, and asked in a low voice, "Then do you need my help...do you need any help?"

He offered to help, of course Yu Chu would not refuse, this was also a good opportunity to get closer.

She took out the kitchen knife and chopping board, and put the washed carrots on it, "You peeled and cut into pieces."

"Oh..." The boy replied ignorantly, took the carrot and looked down at it.

Yu Chu handed him a paring knife.

Xunzhou took it over obediently, frowning and trying to start peeling the skin himself, Yu Chu glanced at him, ignored him, and opened fire to prepare the soup.

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