100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1893 Straightening the mixed-race student (29)


When she finished the things here and looked back at the young man, she couldn't help laughing and laughing. The man had cut the carrot so pitted that he couldn't bear to look directly at him.

"Hey, it's not like that."

She brought the carrot and the paring knife and demonstrated the peeling method, "You can just push it slowly along the edge, like this."

After the demonstration, she raised her head.

The other party is listening carefully, and the drooping eyelashes cover half of the pupils, revealing a faint blue. With a serious expression on her white face, she pursed her blushing lips, looking like she was milky and ignorant.

Yu Chu sighed in his heart.

I really want to press my head for a kiss.

She handed it over, "Do you understand?"

"Yeah." Xunzhou took the carrot and continued to peel it hard.

He seemed serious about doing something for her.

Is it because last time, he threw her the whole bowl of noodles. So now, feeling very sorry?

Yu Chu pursed his lips and smiled, wanting to raise his hand to rub the other's head to comfort him, but remembering the character of this little brat, in the end he didn't dare to extend his hand.

The two were cooking in the kitchen in unusual harmony.

When I came back from looking for my mother, I thought there was no one at home. Because the old nanny is not here today, Xunzhou should also go out, so the house will be very quiet.

But after she pushed the door open and walked into the living room, she vaguely heard a voice from the kitchen, and thought she had entered the wrong door. This is not my home...

The conversation over there in the kitchen is very harmonious.

"This is cut like this, look, keep your fingers away, don't cut your hands." The girl's voice sounded very gentle, and whispered.

And the voice that sounded below made the mother find her so shocked that she almost threw her bag out.

The young man always had a lazy and harsh tone, but at this time he was gentle and serious, and asked in a low voice, "Is that so? Am I right? Why is it different from you..."

The girl seemed to smile, "It's okay, just cut it like this, keep your hands away."

The boy said obediently, "Oh."

Mother Xun stood in the living room for a while before she managed to suppress her disbelief and shock.

There are girls at home, and the son is so obedient... She has never heard his tone.

Serious, well-behaved, and even cute.

Don't know which girl it is? Doesn't my son like boys... Could it be that now, he has found a girl he likes? If he didn't have a good impression, how could he be so obedient with his youthful character.

The mother was ecstatic all of a sudden.

Although Xunzhou had just turned eighteen years old, as a mother, she was definitely not in a hurry to let him fall in love.

But she was eager for her son to have a good impression of which girl, maybe he would be able to get used to it gradually.

She hurriedly walked in lightly, and after walking to the kitchen, she looked into the kitchen with her head.

Her extremely disobedient son was actually chopping vegetables seriously. The light of the kitchen is warm, shining on the slender and beautiful teenager, the picture is warm and beautiful.

The mother was in a trance for a while.

She couldn't even dream of such a scene.

My son was actually soft when he was young, but I don't know when, his personality suddenly became bad and surly, and his eyes always carried indifference.

The war between mother and son continued for a long time.

Until later, when he was in Xunzhou High School, he told his mother indifferently that he liked boys.

The first reaction of looking for a mother is not to accept.

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