100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1901 Straightening the mixed-race student (37)


Xunzhou didn't care what he said, his face was white, and the pale color on his beautiful face was shocking.

Yu Chu immediately supported him, "Let's go out?"

The man on the side shrugged, made way for them, took a sip of wine and said with a smile, "I think you may not be the same, so don't waste time here in the future, it's important to find a girlfriend quickly."

Yu Chu helped the boy out.

It was dark outside the bar. After the door was closed, the voice of the resident singer was cut off, and the hustle and bustle of the street rushed over.

Xunzhou leaned against the wall with a pale face, pursed his lips and stood for a while before turning to look at her.

Yu Chu thought that the young man was going to say something to himself, but he didn't expect that the first sentence of the little cat's mouth was a small soft voice: "I'm sorry."

She was stunned, "How do you apologize?"

The other party lowered his eyelashes, and the thick eyelashes covered his blue eyes, "You brought me here on purpose to help me. But I don't seem to be able to accept that."

Yu Chu was stunned.

What kind of rebellious child is this... Obviously a soft little angel.

"What kind of apology is this, you don't want it, do I have to press you to let him kiss?" She shook her head in tears, "Are you feeling okay now?"

Xunzhou lowered his head, his slender cold fingers, and gently got into her palm and held it, and said slowly in a low voice, "I really can't seem to accept it."

Yu Chu led him back, "It's okay if you can't accept it, it means you don't really like boys, maybe the person you like happens to be of the same sex?"

The boy opened his lips slightly, tightened his fingers, and touched the photo in his pocket with his fingertips, not knowing what to say.

The girl said again: "If you try to forget him and start over, maybe you will fall in love with someone else. Maybe it's just a girl?"

The lights at night reflected on her eyebrows, and those eyes were as warm as her hands.

The young man's delicate and beautiful eyebrows were slightly soft, and he lowered his head and hummed softly.

"Are you going home?" she asked suddenly.

Mentioning the word "going home", Xunzhou's brows and eyes became slightly cold, and he pursed his lips in silence.

Yu Chu saw his attitude and smiled, "Would you like to go to my house first? I'll call your mother."

After making this proposal, the boy pulled her fingertips and shrank suddenly, he turned his eyes, dark blue and light blue colors layered in his eyes, like a deep sea starry sky.

He asked in a low voice, "Can you?"

Yu Chuxin said that there is something wrong, of course she welcomes it. After all, the closer the two are, the better.

She smiled and nodded, "You don't want to go home, should I let you stay in a hotel?" She tilted her head and thought, "It's okay to stay in a hotel for one night, but you probably don't want to go home in the past few days, right? ."

The boy pursed his lips and stopped talking.

"Don't worry, I have rented a house outside, and no one will disturb you. You can rest in peace."

Yu Chu pulled out his mobile phone and called for a car.

The original owner's rental house is near the university. She occasionally goes there on weekends, and she lives in the dormitory at other times.

So this place is just for the other party to live in, and she just continues to go back to the dormitory for the night.

After getting into the taxi, Yu Chu closed the door and looked back at the boy's face.

He was originally fair, but now his face was pale, and inexplicably fragile under the street lights at night, the eyelashes swept out a beautiful light shadow, lining the tall and straight bridge of the nose, every line was exquisite like the masterpiece of the Creator.

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