100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1902 Straightening the mixed-race student (38)


The lip color that was originally light has become lighter.

He sat there with his head down, like a statue.

Yu Chu could see that he was not in a good mood, and it was estimated that he was not feeling well in his stomach just now. She sighed lightly, took out her lip balm from her bag, and leaned over: "Stop biting your lip. Are you sick in your stomach now?"

Xunzhou turned his face, suddenly lowered his eyes again, stretched out a milky white paw, and held her hand.

This action seemed to make him feel safe.

Yu Chu let him hold it, raised the lipstick in his other hand, and said, "Come here with your lips."

Because of this action, her whole figure is like lying on the boy's body, and she inevitably smells the light fragrance of his collar, a soft and cute milky fragrance, but it is not the feeling of a child, but a very clear feeling of a boy.

This cub is amazing.

She was half lying on the other side, surrounded by the fragrance of the boy's body, the black collar lining his white cheeks, the boy's pale face finally recovered slightly, and the fair skin at the earlobe turned slightly red.

He bowed his head slightly obediently, his beautiful eyes stared at the lipstick, and his earlobes turned even redder.

Yu Chu didn't think too much, and put the lipstick on the other party. The lipstick slipped over his thin lips, and it felt incredibly soft to the touch. The lustrous luster was applied, which was more seductive and sexy than soft and cute.

After applying it, Yu Chu stepped back, put the things back in the backpack, and raised his hand to cover the boy's abdomen.

Xunzhou was caught off guard, when she touched his abdomen, he froze for a moment, blinking at her blankly.

Yu Chu asked, "Is your stomach still uncomfortable?"

The young man paused slightly, then nodded hesitantly, and pursed his lips. Because I just applied the lipstick, when I pursed my thin lips, I could feel the sweet scent.

The girl rubbed his belly with her hand slightly and whispered, "Let's go eat something. You may have some porridge, and your stomach may feel better."

Xunzhou has no objection.

He was like a well-behaved pet. He listened to what the other party said. The girl gently rubbed his abdomen, and he actually felt a little better in his stomach.

The boy opened his blue eyes and looked at her silently.

The taxi stopped, and after the two got off the bus, the driver smiled and said, "Young man, you should cherish such a good girlfriend. They really care about you everywhere."

Both were stunned.

Yu Chu was helpless and didn't bother to explain, but when he turned around, he saw that the boy's fair face was blushing, and he turned his face away as if he was at a loss.

Yu Chu: "..."

Although she didn't mind being misunderstood, the other party seemed to be very thin-skinned. So she had to explain: "You misunderstood, we are not boyfriend and girlfriend."

The driver looked a little surprised, his eyes turned between the two, he collected the bill, and drove away.

Yu Chu turned his backpack with his head down.

I didn't see the expression of the young man beside him, from blushing at the beginning, to silent silence with his head down.

She put away her backpack, dragged someone to a porridge shop and sat down, and ordered a bowl of porridge for him.

Xunzhou's face seemed to recover a little, his long eyelashes were lowered, and he looked very pitiful.

Yu Chu comforted: "Don't feel bad, it's actually a good thing, we know now, you don't really like boys, do you?"

Xunzhou nodded slightly.

He paused, suddenly raised his lips, smiled at the girl, his blue eyes were clear and clear, he whispered: "But why do you always help me?"

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