100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1911 Straightening the mixed-race student (48)


He lowered his eyelashes, tucked his fingers into his coat pocket, took out the photo, tore it to shreds expressionlessly, and threw it into the trash can beside him.


I already knew it was like this...

After tearing up the photo, he stood up, looked down at the phone contacts, and put his fingertips on a number, but pursed his lips and hesitated for a while, and finally with a gloomy expression, he put the phone back in his pocket.

Ripples appeared in the young blue eyes, and finally returned to a deep calm. He dragged his suitcase to go upstairs, but the door at the entrance suddenly opened.

Xunzhou turned his face subconsciously, the cold and delicate facial lines softened slightly in an instant, showing a docile expression completely subconsciously.

The person who came into contact with his eyes was looking for his mother. Xunzhou remembered that the girl would not come here.

He lowered his head slightly, the soft and thin lips were a little dry, and the desolate emotion spread to the bottom of his heart.

Looking for the mother to see her son, she saw the boy standing quietly with his head bowed, with his white fingertips lightly resting on the luggage, his expression seemed slightly sad.

She suddenly softened.

She knew her son had gone to the school celebration. She had always stopped him before, preventing him from contacting foreign schools, but her son still felt distressed. This time he went abroad, and his mother did not stop him.

But why did it come back?

And this look...

Wouldn't it be hurt by that sweetheart.

Xun mother stepped forward. Seeing that the other party didn't speak, she couldn't help but tentatively said: "Axun, why are you back? Didn't you go to school activities?"

The young man lowered his head and said nothing.

His skin was fair and his face was low, revealing a snow-colored back of his neck, looking extremely aggrieved and low. Although she is tall and slender and beautiful, her fair-skinned wrists are surrounded by red ropes, which are very cute, like underage children.

The mother-seeking heart softened again.

She slowed down and asked softly, "What happened, tell your mother?"

The other party didn't speak, just lowered his head.

He's in such a wrong state. Ever since the mother and son were in conflict, the young man has always been mean and wicked, and has never been so quiet and silent as it is today.

Even at some distance, she seemed to be able to feel the lowness and sadness of the other person.

What the hell is going on?

The other party did not speak, and the mother searched again: "I see that you are not in a good mood, what happened?"

Xunzhou remained silent.

The slender and lovely young man stood there, like a frozen sculpture, his blue eyes were clean and dense.

Looking for her mother, she thought, something must have happened.

This child doesn't care about anything, is it only the sweetheart from abroad who can make him like this?

Are they conflicted?

That's why he came back so quickly, he didn't stay there to participate in the celebration, and he came back in a low-pitched manner, not at all like the usual vicious and rambling.

Looking for the mother's heart struggled repeatedly.

She really wants her son to have a girlfriend.

But the mother and son have been in the cold war for so long, and she can't stand it anymore.

Orientation is not a matter of change.

Not sure, this life really can't change. Do you want to fight this Cold War for a lifetime?

Xun Mu sighed lowly, finally let go, and said softly: "Is it because of your foreign classmate? A Xun... Mom thought about it, if you really like him that much, then you can do whatever you want."

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