100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1912 Straightening the mixed-race student (49)


Hearing this sentence, the blue eyes of the young man trembled very slightly, and the pupils shrank.

He slowly raised his head to look at her.

Xunmu smiled helplessly: "This is your own life, if you like it, then you can go."

Xunzhou didn't speak for a while. He opened his lips slightly, his eyes trembling slightly.

Mother Xun thought he was joy, but she stood there for a while, but she didn't see the happy expression on the boy's face. Instead, he moved his thin lips, and the pale lips became lighter, and he looked at her with a white face. .

The young man seemed to be extremely dazed, and looked at her at a loss, his heart trembled slightly.

It's a lot like another person's attitude.

He kept saying that he liked others, so she gave up persuasion and let him be with others...

He should have felt understood, but he felt as if he had been abandoned.

"Shouldn't you, shouldn't you persuade me?" he whispered, his melodious voice trembling slightly like his eyelashes. The teenager raised his eyelashes, revealing blue pupils, his eyes were almost at a loss.

Don't stop him, why give up?

Willing to push him over and never give up?

The frozen desolation in the boy's eyes.

Xun mother was stunned for a moment, and seemed very surprised. After a long silence, she said, "A-Xun...Isn't this what you always wanted? You like that person yourself, and you always want others to understand you, right?"

The boy opened his lips, but as if his voice was blocked by something, he couldn't say a word at all.

yes, yes...

His originally white face was now standing in the sun, white to the point of being transparent, lining the handsome and lovely facial features of the young man, like a bubble that could be disillusioned at any time.

He lowered his long eyelashes, and his emotions were in turmoil.

He insisted on it himself.

Therefore, the other party just obeyed his will. Let him go after the person he likes, and wish him happiness...

The young man suddenly pursed his thin lips, stood silently for a few seconds in a trance, turned around and walked upstairs slowly.

Mother Xun wanted to stop him, but when the words came to his mouth, he stopped inexplicably. She watched the boy go upstairs, feeling very strange and a little worried.

She sighed and walked to the sand beside her, but suddenly saw the shredded photos in the trash can.

The mother was stunned.

Why... shredded?

Xunzhou buried his fair face in the thin quilt, was silent for a few seconds, then took the phone and put it aside.

But he knew he couldn't wait.

The teenager clutched the thin quilt irritably and finally got up. After hesitating for a long time, Milky Paws opened WeChat, pursed his lips and nodded tentatively.

He stared at the phone.

Beneath the slightly curly blackness, the delicate and deep face of the mixed-race child reflected the icy blue light of the screen.

I don't know how long it took.

His eyes were a little sour, the boy blinked slightly, his eyelashes shattered in the light, and the profile of his face looked gentle and harmless, with a vaguely childish cuteness.

She never responded.

Xunzhou has also been sitting quietly.

It wasn't until the room got dark and there was no sunlight outside the window that he blinked and realized how long he had been sitting. A thought suddenly popped into his mind.

It seems that the other party will not return to him.

They don't seem to have anything to do with them other than making up lessons. She used to help him understand him, but Xunzhou suddenly realized that once the other party decides not to help, she seems to have her own life... and has nothing to do with him.

In the darkness, for a moment, he was suddenly very scared.

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