100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1919 Straightening the mixed-race student (56)


Because from the beginning to the end, I accepted the help myself, but I had such a bad attitude at the beginning. I said "go away" more than once, said a lot of bad things, always pushed her away, and even hurt her once.

When it was raining, grandma told him to send an umbrella, but he didn't go. So she caught a cold. The cold is very serious, and it has not been cured for a week.

So he owes an apology, doesn't he?

The boy carried the cake and went out under the umbrella.

The rain fell down.

Yu Chu really didn't bring an umbrella today. Today was a big class. Several roommates were in the dormitory and did not go. She was the only one who went to class, but it was raining when the get out of class was over. There was no one with her, and no umbrella.

She looked up at the rain curtain.

A slender shadow was suddenly blocked by the side, and the boy's voice smiled, "Didn't you bring an umbrella?"

Yu Chu turned his head and looked at the eyes that actually smiled at Shanglu, and there was a gentle emotion in those eyes.

She frowned slightly, knowing what he was going to say, she was the first to refuse: "I'm not with you."

Lu raised his eyebrows, as if he was prepared for this rejection, and proudly took out two umbrellas, "I knew you wouldn't go with me, so I brought two umbrellas on purpose, it's alright to take one by yourself, right? ?"

The girl was slightly startled, surprised.

The friendliness of the other party was somewhat unexpected. She lowered her eyes and glanced at the two umbrellas, and before she said anything, Lu actually stuffed one and took a step back, "Okay, it's already given to you, don't give it back to me. I'm leaving."

He waved his hand with a smile, opened another umbrella by himself, and walked briskly into the rain.

Yu Chu sighed slightly.

She looked down at the umbrella in her hand, slowly opened it, and walked into the rain holding the umbrella.

The sound of rain.

On a rainy day, the fog was foggy, the rain blurred the vision, and the visibility in the heavy rain was very low, which also blocked the black and slender figure, so that he was not noticed.

Xunzhou's expression was calm and indifferent.

The boy was still holding a cake in his hand, a black umbrella was propped on top of his head, and the knuckles holding the umbrella were very white, almost dejected and pale, a little morbid.

The blue eyes looked at the front calmly, and the color of the lips was slightly pale, interwoven with a sense of innocence and cuteness.

But the long eyelashes were trembling slightly.

He lowered his head and glanced at the cake in his hand, his eyelashes curled like a doll.

The mist in the rain gradually dyed the eyelashes.

"It's not good to eat too much cake," the boy suddenly muttered to himself and nodded, "It's very tired."

Holding the umbrella, he slowly turned to leave, his beautiful and lovely face was bloodless, but his expression was calm.

There were people around him looking at him.

A fair and beautiful boy, with a deep and beautiful face of a mixed race, he is not lacking in attention even on rainy days.

But he didn't seem to be able to see anything, so he carried the small cake and left, and finally stopped in a corner, put the umbrella lightly on him, and reached out to open the package.

There is a cute smiley face on the cake.

So when the boy saw it, he also curled his lips and smiled softly, his milky white hand carefully took out a fork, scooped a little cream into the thin lips, and licked his lips with the tip of his tongue. smell.

"It's too tired," the young man sighed and whispered to himself, "Well, it's fortunate that I didn't send it."

The tone was a little light.

The raindrops fell on the cream, slicing through a mist.

And the smiling face on the cake gradually blurred its outline amid more and more raindrops.

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