100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1920 Straightening the Mixed-race Students (57)


The boy raised his umbrella again, silently pinched the marshmallow in his pocket, and blinked his long eyelashes.

The sharp pain, anger, and sanity-destroying emotions roared past just now, making him lose the courage to move forward for a moment, and he was in a panic.

I wanted to go forward and snatch something back, but I was very confused and didn't know what I lost.

What are you missing...

The mood finally calmed down a little, and the thought of anticipation was slightly ignited again.

The young man pursed his pale lips.

Marshmallows are still to be delivered, he thought. So I'm still going to see her... um.

Xunzhou pursed his lips, dialed carefully, put the phone to his ear, and was silent in the rain.

After a few beeps, the phone was picked up, and the girl seemed to sigh, "What's wrong?"

Before she finished speaking, she coughed a few times, then covered her lips and cleared her throat.

The boy suddenly opened his cat-like eyes, forgetting what he was going to say. His blue eyes were tense and he asked subconsciously, "Are you sick?"

Yu Chu paused, "Well... a little bit, but it's okay, I'm already in the car, ready to go home."

This body is very delicate and always catch cold.

She coughed again, not understanding what the other party was calling: "What's the matter with you?"

Xunzhou snorted, his paws touched the marshmallows in his pocket, and he gathered up his courage to whisper: "I bought candy, and you gave me a lot of it before... So after I buy it back, I want to give you some too. "

Yu Chu rubbed his temples.

She didn't know what this attitude was.

Didn't he let him call his sweetheart? Since he made a phone call, he will definitely find out, and the other party also likes him, shouldn't the two be happy together?

What to do with her.

The more Yu Chu thought about it, the more helpless he felt, he coughed, looked at the rain curtain outside the taxi, thought about it, and said calmly: "No, that candy was always bought by my boyfriend, and he will buy it for me in the future. of."

In the torrential rain, the blood on the milk cat's face disappeared, and he widened his eyes, and the blue eyes suddenly surged with stormy waves, and his pupils trembled very slightly.

The marshmallow in his hand fell to the ground and was smashed on the packaging by the heavy rain, his face was blurred.

The hand holding the umbrella also suddenly became numb, without any strength, let it fall to the ground, and in an instant the slender man was drenched, and the lips were almost colorless.

Drops of water fell along the slender eyelashes.

Only the hand holding the phone was held up stiffly and mechanically, listening to the light breathing over there.

Yu Chu also seemed to hear a landing sound, frowned, and said tentatively, "Xunzhou?"

It was quiet for a long time, the boy's eyes were red, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "You didn't call me that before..."

The rain was so loud that his hands lost strength again, and the phone was a little far from his ears. Yu Chu couldn't hear the young man's whispers clearly, and asked again, "What did you say?"

Xunzhou lowered his eyes, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

The face that was getting whiter and whiter from the rain showed blank sadness, "Why am I so uncomfortable."

The phone was put down slowly, and finally with a click, it also fell to the ground, and the rain covered it.

"Why do I feel uncomfortable..." The young man walked forward slowly, raising his hands to cover his heart at a loss.

He frowned and walked a few steps, but in the end he couldn't hold it anymore, he cuddled himself up like a cat, his pale and slender fingers covered his heart, and his face was as white as paper.

It hurts, it hurts.

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