100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1921 Straightening the mixed-race student (58)


Yu Chu was a little worried.

She put the phone away, stared at the screen, and finally hung up gently, with a trace of worry in her heart.

I only heard some messy noises just now, and then there was only the sound of rain. What's up with him?

The taxi had stopped, she got out of the car, stood downstairs and didn't get up, and dialed the phone again.

No one picked up.

The girl frowned slightly.

Her throat was so itchy, and her breathing was not smooth. She stood downstairs for a few minutes, and the cool wind made her dizzy. Yu Chu lowered her eyes and went upstairs to take medicine.

After taking the medicine, she poured a cup of hot water and held it in her hands. Just as she sat down, there was a soft knock on the door.

Yu Chu was slightly taken aback, and walked over to open the door.

The door opened, and the drenched teenager outside the door raised his eyes, like a stray cat, his blue eyes looked at her pitifully, and his eyes were a little red.

He pursed his lips, lowered his head, took a breath, and whispered, "You're sick... I'll see if I can help."

Yu Chu didn't speak.

The other party seemed to stiffen up a little, looked at her with stiff beautiful eyes, and asked innocently and in a panic, "Don't you need help? You...is your boyfriend at home?"

When it came to the word boyfriend, he raised his hand subconsciously, but when he was about to touch his heart, he immediately restrained his hand and put it down. On the face of Bai Jing Nuimeng, there was a faint smile that was almost non-existent.

He was hoarse, and smiled a little helplessly: "If he is at home, then, then I..."

When the young man laughed, the circles around his eyes were redder. In this look, the grievance is simply obvious.

Yu Chu sighed softly.

She turned to her side, "Come in first, don't you have an umbrella? How did you get wet like this?"

Xunzhou obediently walked in, stood at the door and lowered his head, "I will stain your floor."

The tone is soft and cute, like a student facing the teacher.

Yu Chu glanced at him and handed over a dry towel, "Wipe it first, I'll get you some clothes."

Xunzhou listened to her arrangement honestly.

After changing his clothes and drying his head, the slightly black curls lined the young man's fair face, he smiled, and his tone was a little flattering: "I learned to cook, don't move when you are sick, let me cook? "

The girl glanced at him, shook her head, and took out her mobile phone calmly, "Just order food, no trouble."

The young man smiled slightly and lowered his head, "No, it's not troublesome... I don't think it's troublesome."

Yu Chu looked at him.

The other party's thin lips slightly opened, something went out in his eyes, he looked at her with a white face, tilted his head and quietly hooked his lips: "Okay... I'll listen to you."

Yu Chu didn't say more.

Xunzhou sat quietly for a while, then tightened his fingers and asked in a low voice, "Are you still mad at me?"

The girl raised her eyebrows slightly.

"I treated you like that before, it was very bad, are you still angry with me?" The little milk cat lowered her head.

Yu Chu shook his head, "I've never been angry."

She wasn't mad about that.

The cute boy looked at her ignorantly, then pursed his lips and remained silent for a while, then suddenly looked down at the red rope on his wrist, on the white and slender wrist, the red rope made people look immature, he asked in a low voice: "You don't want me candy, I'll give this to you, okay?"

Along his line of sight, Yu Chu looked at the red rope.

She smiled and shook her head slightly, "You have been wearing it, it should be a very important thing."

This means rejection.

Xunzhou's breathing stopped slightly, and it took a long while to stabilize the sharp pain.

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