100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1922 Straightening the mixed-race student (59)


How can... how can this be. Don't want him to cook, don't want his candy, even a small wish like sending a red rope, he refused mercilessly.

It's not that difficult to take over.

If you don't want to take it, can you throw it away later?

But she refused to connect...

The boy lowered his eyelashes, his face was as pale as ice and snow, his palms were covered with red ropes, and he still tried hard to say, "It's very useful, it's safe."

The other party shook his head, "You wear it."

"I just want to thank you." There was a little pleading in the boy's eyes.

Yu Chu took a sip of tea, and her cold stomach was warmed by the tea. She held the water cup with a flat expression, "Forget it, my boyfriend might think too much."

For a moment, the room was eerily quiet.

She raised her eyes and looked at the person opposite.

He stared at her stubbornly, his eyes seemed to be burning with fire, and it seemed to be filled with water vapor, the burning emotion seemed to burn everything, and the dense water mist seemed to drown himself. This look is very contradictory, and the girl is momentarily stunned.

"The clothes should be almost dry," she put down the teacup and got up, "I'll go get it for you."

This is an expulsion order.

Xunzhou didn't move at all.

After the girl got up and left the table, he tightened his fingers little by little and held the red rope into his palm.

Yu Chu brought the clothes, and the other party changed them quietly and obediently, his eyes fell on her face, and her pale lips curled up, revealing a lovely and pure smile.

"Then I'm leaving." He said goodbye softly.

Yu Chu nodded and closed the door.

But the young man behind the door didn't leave, just looked at the closed door for a while, and suddenly curved his lips, his tender and lovely face seemed very brisk.

In his increasingly red eyes, he said in a hoarse voice, "I'm leaving."

The boy turned around slowly and walked away.

The headache became more and more serious, and the surging emotions were uncontrollable. Xunzhou frowned his delicate eyebrows fiercely, holding the red rope and slowly walking, feeling the sharp and fine pain blocking his breath, he opened his lips and gasped for breath. .

When he passed the phone booth on the street corner, he finally couldn't hold it anymore, the boy walked in and picked up the receiver.

After dialing his mother's number, after connecting there, he opened his lips, took a small breath with extreme difficulty, and said in a low voice, "Help me contact a psychiatrist."

The other side of the phone suddenly asked something nervously. Between the delicate eyebrows of the young man, there was a trace of daze, and he replied in a hoarse voice: "Well, I seem to... have a problem."

He hung up the phone, and when he put the receiver on, he felt that his hands were shaking badly. Xunzhou watched it for a few seconds and felt like he was dementia.

He leaned against the wall and slowly nestled up, his beautiful white cheeks tucked into his black collar, like a milk cat, quietly looking at the outside world.

The red rope in the palm of the hand is still tightly held.

Finally, he got up slowly and walked out of the phone booth.

In the corner, the red rope lay quietly.

A few days later.

In the quiet office, the sunshine is good, there are documents on the desk, the psychiatrist is sitting behind the desk, looking at him warmly and peacefully, "Hello."

The young man on the opposite side lowered his eyes, looking lack of energy, his face was so pale that it was almost morbid, but it added a fragile beauty to that tender and lovely face.

The psychiatrist looked at it for a while in amazement, then said with a smile, "Can we talk?"

The young man pursed his lips and turned his head to look inside.

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