100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1923 Straightening the Mixed-race Students (60)


His voice was nice, but a little hoarse, and he asked softly, "Is there any medicine to relax? In a normal state, I probably don't want to talk about that."

His tone was natural.

The psychiatrist was slightly taken aback.

As a doctor, I have seen many patients naturally, and most patients will have unspeakable secrets in their hearts, which is normal. But when it comes to secrets, this child is the first to ask for medicine so calmly.

She said, "Yes, wait a moment."

The doctor took the syringe, and the boy lowered his eyes and lifted his sleeves, revealing his white wrists, the color was dazzling and fragile, with a milky cuteness.

After the drug was injected, the other party lowered his eyes, his eyelashes rested like the wings of a butterfly.

"Feeling better?" the doctor asked.

The other party nodded, his long eyelashes drooped slightly, covering his pupils, he seemed a little sleepy.

"Then let's start." The doctor tried his best to be kind and gentle. "Your mother didn't tell me what you wanted to consult. Now you can ask. I will keep all our conversations confidential."

The other party didn't seem to hear it. He lowered his eyes and was quiet for a long time before he said, "I like men."

The psychiatrist was startled.

When the young man said this, he had no expression and a very peaceful attitude. It's just that the face is really pale and fragile like a beautiful porcelain doll.

His business doesn't involve homosexuality, but the other party took this sentence as a start and should have something else to say. So the doctor nodded and smiled gently: "Are you troubled by this?"

"Don't worry," the boy shook his head, "I think it's... good."

The doctor pursed his lips in surprise.

She carefully poured a glass of water and put it by the boy's hand before continuing: "Why do you think it's good? The social environment is so harsh and there are many difficulties."

The boy on the opposite side tightened his fingers slightly, his knuckles were icy white, looking like a sleepy and pitiful milk cat, his fingers tightened repeatedly, and finally he gently opened his lips, his voice was almost murmur.

"I... When I was young. Seven years old, eight years old, I forgot... Passing a small alley, a drunk woman stopped me, she was, she was disgusting..."

The boy's fingertips turned whiter.

The psychiatrist was startled, and quickly put his voice softer, "Relax, it's alright, now you are in my office, you are safe."

The milk cat drooped her eyelashes, expressionless, her fingers still clenched, and answered lightly, "I know."

He seemed calm.

The psychiatrist was a little relieved, but still a little worried, and asked, "Do I still need to inject drugs?"

The other side shook his head slightly.

"Then, you go on," said the psychiatrist carefully, "did she... hurt you?"

She looked at the boy opposite.

He is so beautiful, fair and cute, with a nice collarbone at the collar, which has a tenderness of milk cuteness. It is conceivable that when this child was a child, he must have been as beautiful as an angel, pure and unstained from dust.

"No." The other party pulled the corners of his lips slightly, his face was pale to transparent, and his eyelashes drooped down.

"I was very scared. I touched the tile and hit her on the head... She was bleeding, but I was still scared. I used that thing to hit her a lot... A lot of blood, I felt very scary, too. very disgusting……"

In a quiet alley, a woman who smells of alcohol.

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